Page 286 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 286

for the glow of a heap of charcoal under the heavy mantel
       of the cooking-range, where water was boiling in an iron
       pot with a loud bubbling sound. Between the two walls of a
       narrow staircase a bright light streamed from the sick-room
       above; and the magnificent Capataz de Cargadores stepping
       noiselessly  in  soft  leather  sandals,  bushy  whiskered,  his
       muscular neck and bronzed chest bare in the open check
       shirt, resembled a Mediterranean sailor just come ashore
       from some wine or fruit-laden felucca. At the top he paused,
       broad  shouldered,  narrow  hipped  and  supple,  looking  at
       the large bed, like a white couch of state, with a profusion
       of snowy linen, amongst which the Padrona sat unpropped
       and bowed, her handsome, black-browed face bent over her
       chest. A mass of raven hair with only a few white threads
       in it covered her shoulders; one thick strand fallen forward
       half veiled her cheek. Perfectly motionless in that pose, ex-
       pressing physical anxiety and unrest, she turned her eyes
       alone towards Nostromo.
         The Capataz had a red sash wound many times round his
       waist, and a heavy silver ring on the forefinger of the hand
       he raised to give a twist to his moustache.
         ‘Their revolutions, their revolutions,’ gasped Senora Te-
       resa. ‘Look, Gian’ Battista, it has killed me at last!’
          Nostromo said nothing, and the sick woman with an up-
       ward glance insisted. ‘Look, this one has killed me, while
       you were away fighting for what did not concern you, fool-
       ish man.’
         ‘Why talk like this?’ mumbled the Capataz between his
       teeth. ‘Will you never believe in my good sense? It concerns
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