Page 289 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 289

the man had condescended to do so much for those who
           really wanted his help. It was a proof of his friendship. Her
           voice become stronger.
              ‘I want a priest more than a doctor,’ she said, pathetically.
           She did not move her head; only her eyes ran into the cor-
           ners to watch the Capataz standing by the side of her bed.
           ‘Would you go to fetch a priest for me now? Think! A dying
           woman asks you!’
              Nostromo shook his head resolutely. He did not believe
           in  priests  in  their  sacerdotal  character.  A  doctor  was  an
            efficacious person; but a priest, as priest, was nothing, inca-
           pable of doing either good or harm. Nostromo did not even
            dislike the sight of them as old Giorgio did. The utter use-
            lessness of the errand was what struck him most.
              ‘Padrona,’ he said, ‘you have been like this before, and got
            better after a few days. I have given you already the very last
           moments I can spare. Ask Senora Gould to send you one.’
              He was feeling uneasy at the impiety of this refusal. The
           Padrona believed in priests, and confessed herself to them.
           But  all  women  did  that.  It  could  not  be  of  much  conse-
            quence. And yet his heart felt oppressed for a moment—at
           the thought what absolution would mean to her if she be-
            lieved in it only ever so little. No matter. It was quite true
           that he had given her already the very last moment he could
              ‘You refuse to go?’ she gasped. ‘Ah! you are always your-
            self, indeed.’
              ‘Listen to reason, Padrona,’ he said. ‘I am needed to save
           the silver of the mine. Do you hear? A greater treasure than

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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