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me to keep on being what I am: every day alike.’
              ‘You  never  change,  indeed,’  she  said,  bitterly.  ‘Always
           thinking of yourself and taking your pay out in fine words
           from those who care nothing for you.’
              There was between them an intimacy of antagonism as
            close in its way as the intimacy of accord and affection. He
           had not walked along the way of Teresa’s expectations. It
           was she who had encouraged him to leave his ship, in the
           hope of securing a friend and defender for the girls. The
           wife of old Giorgio was aware of her precarious health, and
           was haunted by the fear of her aged husband’s loneliness
            and the unprotected state of the children. She had wanted
           to annex that apparently quiet and steady young man, af-
           fectionate and pliable, an orphan from his tenderest age, as
           he had told her, with no ties in Italy except an uncle, owner
            and master of a felucca, from whose ill-usage he had run
            away before he was fourteen. He had seemed to her cou-
           rageous,  a  hard  worker,  determined  to  make  his  way  in
           the world. From gratitude and the ties of habit he would
            become like a son to herself and Giorgio; and then, who
            knows, when Linda had grown up…. Ten years’ difference
            between husband and wife was not so much. Her own great
           man was nearly twenty years older than herself. Gian’ Bat-
           tista was an attractive young fellow, besides; attractive to
           men, women, and children, just by that profound quietness
            of personality which, like a serene twilight, rendered more
            seductive the promise of his vigorous form and the resolu-
           tion of his conduct.
              Old Giorgio, in profound ignorance of his wife’s views

                                     Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard
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