Page 290 - nostromo-a-tale-of-the-seaboard
P. 290

the one which they say is guarded by ghosts and devils on
       Azuera. It is true. I am resolved to make this the most des-
       perate affair I was ever engaged on in my whole life.’
          She felt a despairing indignation. The supreme test had
       failed. Standing above her, Nostromo did not see the dis-
       torted features of her face, distorted by a paroxysm of pain
       and anger. Only she began to tremble all over. Her bowed
       head shook. The broad shoulders quivered.
         ‘Then God, perhaps, will have mercy upon me! But do
       you look to it, man, that you get something for yourself out
       of it, besides the remorse that shall overtake you some day.’
          She laughed feebly. ‘Get riches at least for once, you in-
       dispensable, admired Gian’ Battista, to whom the peace of
       a dying woman is less than the praise of people who have
       given you a silly name—and nothing besides—in exchange
       for your soul and body.’
         The Capataz de Cargadores swore to himself under his
         ‘Leave my soul alone, Padrona, and I shall know how to
       take care of my body. Where is the harm of people having
       need of me? What are you envying me that I have robbed
       you and the children of? Those very people you are throw-
       ing in my teeth have done more for old Giorgio than they
       ever thought of doing for me.’
          He struck his breast with his open palm; his voice had
       remained low though he had spoken in a forcible tone. He
       twisted his moustaches one after another, and his eyes wan-
       dered a little about the room.
         ‘Is it my fault that I am the only man for their purposes?
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