Page 40 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 40

The smart
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your building

LG innovation provides VRF solutions with industry-leading
capacity, efficiency and cost-reducing design options.

LG VRF brings you engineering choices you never thought possible.

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3 chassis–only LG VRF1 can offer               an industry-leading efficiency rating. of VRF experts is ready to assist with design,
this performance advantage.                                                         engineering and installation support.

Lower Total Cost of Ownership:                 Design Innovation: LG VRF            Visit today for
Contact your LG VRF representative             eliminates the need for oversized    more information and your nearest
to learn how LG can help lower total           equipment, costly mechanical rooms,  LG VRF representative.
cost of building ownership.                    and provides superior zone control.

20001747                       ISO 9001: 2008


                                                       1Data current as of 3.26.15
©2015 LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. LG Life’s Good is a registered trademark of LG Corporation.
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