Page 41 - October 2015 Green Builder Magazine
P. 41

Good Cause. KEEN donates work        SPONSORED CONTENT
boots to the Volunteer Boot Library
at The ReBuilding Center, a used                                                                   39
building material resource in
Portland, Ore.

                                                                                                                                                   SEAN O’CONNOR 10.2015

A KEEN Sense of Purpose

 In 2013, the Bureau                 KEEN footwear has earned a reputation for
   of Labor Statistics               manufacturing tough but stylish outdoor wear and
     reported 52,590                 work boots, but the company is also doing its part to
      on-the-job foot                promote sustainability and strengthen communities.

 injuries, resulting in              KBY HEATHER WALLACE, GBM MARKETING
  an average of nine                                EEN FOOTWEAR BECAME an overnight success when reps sold 50,000 pairs of
        missed days of
           work. Eighty                             shoes as a first-time exhibitor at Outdoor Retailer. Founded by Martin Keen and
     percent of those
                                                    Rory Fuerst, KEEN has been creating toe-protecting outdoor “lifestyle products”
injuries were caused
       by an object 30                              since 2003.
        pounds or less
                                                       After solidifying its position as a leader in outdoor recreation footwear, the
 impacting the foot.
                                                    company began to look at what was next. Work boots were a logical progression,

                                                    as they were already creating products to protect the toes.

                                        “KEEN was founded on the idea of creating hybrid footwear—styles that provided comfort

                                     and protection. Safety and work footwear is a natural extension of this principle,” says Mark

                                     Reilly, senior merchandising manager for KEEN. “We’ve spent more than a decade perfecting
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