Page 48 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 48

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                             - Silver nitrate eye drops

                            -  Zinc as zinc chloride in mouthwashes

                            - Copper sulfate is swimming pools

              8-  Aldehydes

              •  Damage proteins and nucleic acids (alkylation of protein, DNA, and RNA)).

              •  They are sporicidal and can be used as chemical sterilants, high level disinfectant.

              •  Examples:  2%  glutaraldehyde  solution:  sterilize  heat-sensitive  instruments,  to

                 sterilize hospital equipment

                              37% formaldehyde (formalin) used to disinfect and preserve biological
                             specimens and medical equipment.

              9-  Gases (Ethylene oxide)

              Denature proteins and affect functional groups of DNA.

             •  EO treatment is usually conducted at the temperature range
                of 30-60°C for several hours (10-12 h) which aids in the
                activity of the gas.

             •  Used almost exclusively to sterilize medical products that

                cannot be steam sterilized (plastic instruments such as Petri
                dishes, syringes, and artificial heart valve)

             •  Disadvantages

                – Lengthy cycle time                                 – Cost

                  – Potential hazards to patients & staff (Flammable & explosive)
             •  Advantage:

             -  ETO  is  used  in  healthcare  facilities  to  sterilize  critical  items  (and  sometimes
                semicritical items) that are moisture or heat sensitive and cannot be sterilized by
                steam sterilization.

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