Page 53 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 53
Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program Third Level Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)
• Regardless of whether manufacture takes place in industry or on a smaller
scale in the hospital pharmacy, the microbiological quality of the finished
product will be determined by the formulation components used, the
environment in which they are manufactured and the manufacturing
process itself.
• Water for pharmaceutical manufacture requires treatment, usually by
distillation, reverse osmosis or deionization.
• Water should be stored at a temperature above 80°C.
• Free-living opportunist pathogens, such as P. aeruginosa can normally be
found in all wet sites, such as drains, sinks and taps.
• Cleaning equipment, such as mops, buckets, cloths and
scrubbing machines, may be responsible for distributing
these organisms
• Packaging in hospitals is frequently re-used for economic reasons.
• Large numbers of containers may be returned to the pharmacy, bringing
with them microbial contaminants introduced during use in the wards
In use
• During normal usage, the patient may contaminate his
medicine with his own microbial flora; subsequent use
of the product may result in self-infection.
• Topical products are considered to be most at risk.
• Opportunities for contamination may be reduced by
using disposable applicators for topical products.