Page 57 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 57

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)


              •  Preservative is a chemical substance used to preserve organic substances from
                  decay or spoilage by preventing microbial attack.

              •  Pharmaceutical Preservatives prevent microbial spoilage by preventing growth of
                  microorganisms in that product.

              •  It prevents the replication of any contaminants remaining after manufacture or
                  introduced during use.

                   Need of Preservatives

                  1. To protect our drug from microbial attack
                  2. To enhance the activity and efficacy of drug
                  3. To increase shelf life of our product
                  4. To stabilize the product

                  Preparations required antimicrobial preservatives

                  Solutions, Suspensions, Emulsions, Topical preparation e.g
                  creams, Injectable, Eye drops et

                 There is a low risk of contamination, as with tablets, capsules and
                 dry powders, the inclusion of a preservative may be unnecessary.

                  Ideal preservative

                    Ideal preservative       The ability to kill all microorganisms likely to enter the product
                    should possess

                                             Safe, non toxic and non irritant

                                             Sufficient stability to withstand the manufacturing process and
                                             remain stable during storage.
                                             Selective reactivity with microbes

                                             Cost effective

                                             Effective at low concentration throughout the life of the medicine

                                             Should not react with ingredients of the medicine

                                             compatible with the formulation ingredients

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