Page 58 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 58

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                  Factors affecting preservative efficacy

              1)  Interaction with the formulation components:

                  Hydrocolloids such as methylcellulose, PVP, alginates, and tragacanth can interact
                  with preservatives and diminish their activity.

              2)  Properties of preservatives:
              -  The distribution of the preservatives must be homogeneous and more solubility in

                  the bulk phase is preferable in a multiphase system.
              -  Preservatives may react with substances leaked from the container and lose their

                  antimicrobial activity.
              3)  Effect of containers
              -  Formulations packed in a glass container can be expected to retain their preservative
                  content if the closure is airtight.

              -  Preservatives  may  penetrate  through  the  plastic containers  and  also  react  with
              4)  Types of microorganisms:

              -  Plant  products  may  contain  pathogenic  microorganisms  from  the  soil  e.g.
                  Clostridium species, and Bacillus anthracis
              -  Soil organisms are common in dust which may gain access to preparation during

                  processing or packing.
              5)  Influence of pH:
              -  Adjustment of the pH of the solution may affect the chemical stability and the

                  activity of the preservative.

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