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San Diego Woman Top Dentist
crowns made from materials that are of aligners which vary depending on need,
significantly stronger and last longer.” can straighten teeth in anywhere from
This is just the tip of the iceberg when three months to two years. One of the big
it comes to innovations in dentistry today. advantages is that the aligners can be tak-
Even the way the crowns are made has en out when you eat and they also allow
changed. Today there is computer milling the teeth to be properly brushed, even
and computer design used in the creation during the alignment process.
of crowns. X rays are now done on the I asked Dr. Braunstein what he loves
computer, unlike when they had to be de- about being a dentist. “There are several
veloped before they could be read, and the things I absolutely love about dentistry. I
patient had to endure a second set of x-rays truly enjoy the creativity. With cosmetic
if the results were not acceptable. Now the dentistry you can provide composite resto-
results are instantly ascertained. They now rations allowing you to create the complete
have 3D scans where dentists can see a pa- anatomy of a tooth or you can do cosmetic
tient's entire mouth before the patient even veneers which can mimic how a real tooth
sits down for his or her first examination. looks. Patients are amazed when they see
Dental implants, previously unheard the results. For many patients, it is more
of, are now solving issues of lost teeth in about health than cosmetics. Many come Photo by Judith A. Habert
a way that becomes a permanent solution into our offices with gum disease, which is
and does not involve an apparatus that has greatly impacting their lives. They can’t eat “I guess when it comes down to it
to be removed each day or which creates properly because they can’t chew and they probably the very best part of being a
the possibility of falling out of a patient’s need to have these problems remedied so dentist is that I've been very lucky because
mouth while eating or speaking. they can achieve better health, by eating my patients are super wonderful people.
“The implant is basically a titanium foods that are better for them, and that they I really enjoy dealing with people, and I
fixture that replicates the root of the tooth. enjoy. When I can help a patient become think I understand people. A lot of people
A post, which is called an abutment, is put healthier, I am always happy.” go to different dentists and may have had
into the implant and then a crown over “What I really enjoy, maybe more bad experiences. And so, I make a point of
the abutment. This allows us to recreate than anything else, is when a person really listening to my patients and I have
a tooth without damaging or destroying comes in and they don't have a nice smile tried to create a situation where they will
the teeth next to it. For those patients who and their self-esteem is not there, because be very comfortable with us.”
have no remaining teeth of their own, of this. I love being able to help a patient When I am lucky enough to have
we can restore a full mouth of teeth by get a good smile and it just changes their some time with a top professional in the
providing just a few implants and affix- life. I will never forget one young man field of dentistry, I would be remiss to not
ing a permanent bridge to the teeth. This who came in to see me. He never had a obtain information which will help our
method does not have the risks or the good smile, and it embarrassed him. He readers. So, of course, I asked if Dr. Braun-
discomfort of a traditional denture.” said I want to get this girl, and I have to stein could share with us some advice on
Not only are implants a great new way get a good smile because, she will not how to keep a healthy smile.
to replace missing teeth, but they stimu- look at me if I don't have a good smile. So, “Probably the most important thing
late the bone helping to prevent bone loss. we did about 20 veneers on him and we is to be vigilant with your daily home
When teeth are removed with no replace- changed his look completely. He ended care. There are a lot of devices to help you
ment, the bone keeps shrinking, changing up marrying this girl and they have a clean your teeth, you have toothbrushes,
not only the situation in the mouth, but beautiful family today. It had been his dental floss, Waterpiks®, whatever you
often the way a patient looks. This is one smile that held him back and once that prefer as long as the outcome is keeping
reason removable dentures are not as was fixed, he had the self confidence he your teeth clean and healthy. Keep in
beneficial, since as the bone shrinks, the needed to finally ask this girl out. When I mind that plaque is the culprit. Plaque
dentures need to be continually realigned hear these types of stories, it makes me so forms on your teeth, it is a sticky sub-
or completely replaced. thrilled that I could play even a small part stance, and it re-forms every 24 hours.
On the opposite end of the spec- in making a patient happy.” So, if you're not really cleaning thorough-
trum are the advances made in the area The results are clear in the offices of ly, that plaque stays on your teeth. Then
of orthodontics. Instead of the methods Dr. Braunstein; His patients always have the bacteria invade underneath the gum
that were previously used involving wonderful things to say about him. He and start destroying the gum tissue, and
brackets and wires used in metal braces, immediately instills confidence and trust then it starts invading the bone. You can
the introduction of Invisalign® has made from the first moment you meet him. He lose teeth because they get periodontal
orthodontics a lot easier for children and has an innate ability to put a patient’s fears disease, which is an infection in the bone.
others requiring alignment of their teeth. to rest and resolve anxiety that so many If people do their home care properly,
These clear aligners are designed to slowly patients suffer even just at the thought of they can avoid the majority of dental
reposition the teeth as needed. The series seeing a dentist. issues that they encounter.”