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P. 12

San Diego Woman Top Dentist

           “There are constantly new devices   suggestions for readers who would like   skill level, but his exceptional kindness.
        being introduced to help us achieve better   to go on to become a dentist. “It is a very   Even if you have never felt comfortable
        dental care. Waterpik® has come out with a   expensive undertaking when you consider   sitting in a dentist chair, I guarantee this
        device; it's a toothbrush that shoots water   the cost of attending dental school, it can   will change for you if you become a patient
        out. So, it does water irrigation at the same   be upwards of $400,000- $500,000 over   of Dr. Braunstein. He does everything pos-
        time as brushing your teeth. It is reported   your years of study, so a student has to be   sible to put you at ease, and he truly cares
        to do as good a job as flossing for those   fully committed that this is the career they   about every patient who passes through
        readers who don’t like flossing.”   truly want. Perhaps consider shadowing a   his office door. I am 100% confident that
           I asked Dr Braunstein how often we   dentist or intern at a dental practice to be   if your child knocked out his front tooth
        should brush our teeth to achieve the   certain it is what you want. If it is and you   playing football, Dr Braunstein would be
        desired result of a healthy mouth. “At least   can afford the cost of school, go for it. It   the dentist, perhaps even clad in a tuxedo,
        twice a day. In addition, you should also   is truly an amazing career, and the world   willing to stop what he was doing to come
        watch the foods you consume, fruits and   needs good dentists.”          to the aid of his patient.
        vegetables are good. If your diet comprises   So, what happens when this brand-  Thank you, Dr. Gary Braunstein for
        a lot of sugary or sticky foods, then in-  new dentist leaves school to venture   being a San Diego Woman Magazine’s Top
        crease the amount of times you brush and   into the world of dentistry? “It would be   Dentist!
        do so anytime you eat foods of this nature.”   difficult to open your own practice right
           “Another important reminder is to   out of dental school because, first of all,   You can contact Dr. Braunstein at
        visit a dentist regularly. It is imperative to   you would have to have a lot of money in
        have your teeth cleaned often for optimum  your pocket, and you probably don't have   •  Carlsbad Dental Care
        dental care. The majority of people need   enough experience. You're better off work-
        to have their teeth clean more than twice a   ing with another dentist or going through   6221 Metropolitan St Ste 102
        year. They found that 80% of the popula-  a general practice residency.”   Carlsbad, CA 92009
        tion has some form of gum disease, gin-  When we were doing our research for   (760) 918-0798
        givitis, or periodontitis. By being vigilant   the Top Dentists in San Diego, Dr. Braun-
        with your dentist visits, you can be treated   stein was a very obvious choice. He is clear-  •  Encinitas Dental Care
        for any small problems that you have be-  ly an expert at what he does, having been in   191 N El Camino Real Ste 209
        fore they become big, costly problems.”  practice for over 40 years, but what makes   Encinitas, CA 92024
           As we always like to explore the   him stand out more than the majority of   (760) 203-5035
        careers behind our experts, I asked for   dentists out there is not just his exceptional

                                                                 While working for a box
                                                                                             Badal gives all the phar-
                   Badal Satasia                              pharmacy, Badal realized    macy success credits to his
                   VILLAGE PHARMACY                           there is no personal service   wonderful staff who works as
                                                                                          hard as he does in taking care
                                                              these days, and patients are
                                                              not getting quality patient   of patients. He is so proud
         BRINGING  PERSONAL  SER VICE  BA CK                  care and customer service.   and fortunate to have a team
                                                              Badal then started Village   like this.
                   Photo and feature by Maggie Ramos
                                                              Pharmacy in 2014 with the      Village Pharmacy
                                                              principles of honesty, integ-  587 E Elder St Ste C,
                                      Badal Satasia is a Phar-  rity, putting patients first   Fallbrook, CA 92028
                                   macist and owner of Village   and being their healthcare   (760) 645-3021
                                   Pharmacy located in Fall-  advocate.
                                   brook, CA. Badal completed    Sure enough, the word
                                   his Masters in Pharmaceutical   spread, and he quickly estab-
                                   sciences from Northeastern   lished a large patient base
                                   University Boston, MA and   and has been very successful
                                   completed his Doctor of Phar-  in providing the level of care
                                   macy from Western University  that he once envisioned. His
                                   of Health Sciences Pomona,   pharmacy is still growing,
                                   CA. Village Pharmacy pro-  and he constantly gets new
                                   vides personalized pharmacy   patients from big box stores
                                   services to Fallbrook and   due to his pharmacy's person-
                                   surrounding communities.   alized service.

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