Page 16 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 16
Ais the mother of in- Crestwood Fallbrook
vention,” and in the case
of Crestwood Behavioral
Health, Inc. this is a state- Healing Center
ment with meaning. Fif-
ty-one years ago, James M.
a skilled nursing care facility By Judith A. Habert
for his Mom. Frustrated with
the limited options, none Photos by Maggie Ramos
of which met his standards,
Mr. Dobbins decided to who obviously loves her job Programs, Crisis Residential
build his own. This was the and is extremely proud of the Treatment Programs, Resi-
start of Crestwood Behav- organization for which she dential Care for the Elderly
ior Hospitals Inc., a skilled works. “One of our greatest and a Crisis Stabilization
nursing care provider. Over resources at Crestwood is Unit.
the years, Crestwood has our staff. We tell our staff Crestwood offers many
evolved to become one of during the orientation if you innovative recovery services
the state’s leading men- wouldn’t put your family for their clients. One pro-
tal health care providers, member or your loved one at gram they offer, Dialectical getting a good night’s sleep
dedicated to offering a Crestwood; you shouldn’t be Behavior Therapy (DBT), that and when you’re eating
continuum of services that working here. This has been is the only evidence-based properly. Then they can con-
empower their clients to live the fabric of our company for practice that has been trast that to what do I look
and succeed in their com- the past 51 years; we have effective in treating people like when I start to become a
munities. campuses that take great with suicide ideations. “We little bit dysregulated. Tools
On August 21, 2019, their pride in doing the best for started Dialectical Behavior are then taught to help
newest location in Fallbrook, our clients.” Therapy, as a recovery tool you get back to that place.
California celebrated its Headquartered in Sac- in our organization. It teach- We teach our clients to put
Open House as the 24th ramento, Crestwood has es people different skills supports in place. So, if I’m
campus in the Crestwood behavioral health campuses to help them when they really knocked out of my
family. Crestwood Fallbrook throughout California that become dysregulated. That I comfort zone, I will have a
Healing Center, a 132-bed provide many levels of care. would say is the foundation support person who will say,
Mental Health Rehabilitation They have Psychiatric Health of all the many tools and you know, Pam, you’re not
Center (MHRC), opened on Facilities (PHFs), which pro- skills we offer,” said Pamela. taking care of yourself and
the former grounds of Fall- vide acute care, with clients “Another tool we use is let me help you. This brings
brook Hospital. generally remaining there WRAP, and that stands for accountability and wellness
I had the pleasure of for about 6-8 days. They also Wellness Recovery Action into their life.”
speaking with Pamela Norris, have MHRCs, that provide Plan. WRAP was started by “In concert with SAMHSA
Vice President of Operations. rehabilitation programs in Mary Ellen Copeland. Sim- (Substance Abuse Mental
You can’t help but feel a secure, residential settings, plistically, WRAP comprises Health Association), our staff
sense of calm and confidence with a focus on brief lengths identifying what you look is professionally trained in
when a campus is run by of stay (6 to 12 months), as like when you’re healthy. trauma-informed approach-
such a wonderful woman, well as Adult Residential For instance, when you’re es. Our staff has said that