Page 19 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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Women of Distinction

        received a second masters in   the Advanced Study of Black   there is a halftime, because I   join a professional association.
        counseling psychology with an   Family Life and Culture. In   was a majorette in high school   Membership fees are lower for
        emphasis in marriage, family   the African tradition, Judy   and that’s when we performed,   student members and students
        and child counseling, as well   learned one is responsible for   during half-time!”   can acquire cutting-edge in-
        as a doctoral degree in clinical   mentoring those who follow, in   To Judy’s surprise, the   formation from experts in the
        psychology. It was there, Judy   concert with the centuries-old   interviewer viewed this as a   field and allow for networking
        met some of the most prom-  African adage, “I am because   plus thinking she would not   opportunities. Presenting at
        inent psychologists in the   we are!”                  be star-struck when evaluating   professional conferences is a
        field. This included Dr. Harold   With this type of men-  players if she did not know   plus. Poster sessions are a great
        Greenwald, president of the   torship, it is no wonder Judy   who they were, and would   start! Finally, an internship is a
        university, who became Judy’s   went on to have an extremely   therefore be more objective.   smart way to establish contacts
        mentor.                    successful career. She worked   In her 25 years with the NFL/  and this may lead to offers of
           Dr Greenwald was a      for the Navy Alcohol and Drug   NFLPA Program for Alcohol   professional positions later.
        student of Theodor Reik, a   Safety Action (NADSAP)    and other Substances of Abuse,   Judy believes in additional
        disciple of Sigmund Freud. An   program for a number of years,   Judy has learned a lot in work-  to a successful professional
        avowed humanist,           even facilitating one group   ing with players. “The players   life, it is important to cultivate
        Dr. Greenwald did not hold   aboard ship. This experience   have helped me understand   a fulfilling personal life. She is
        with all tenets of psychoana-  as well as her job as a sub-  how difficult a job it is being a   very proud of being a mother,
        lytic theory, so he developed   stance abuse educator for the   professional athlete. Their lives   as well as a grandmother of
        his own approach to therapy,   County of San Diego helped to   are always up in the air. In a   three. She and her life partner,
        which he called Direct Deci-  establish her specialization in   split second, life can change   Al, have shared two decades
        sion Therapy. He believed that   substance abuse.      for them if they are cut, traded,  worth of respect and support
        decisions were at the root of   At the same time, Judy had   sidelined or injured. Players   for each other. Judy lives by the
        understanding dysfunctional   taken on a number of com-  have informed me what NFL   ocean and enjoys the fresh salt-
        behavior and that people had   munity leadership positions.   truly stands for ‘Not for Long’.”   iness of the breezes that blow
        free will to change their deci-  She co-founded the Passage   Judy is one of seven case   over the waves and through
        sions and therefore their expe-  Foundation for Children, the   managers in the U.S. work-  her windows. In addition to
        riences. He even believed that   first rites of passage program   ing in this program to assist   writing, Judy practices a way
        happiness was achievable by   for African American girls   participants embrace sobriety   of going within to a place of
        virtue of a personal decision.   in San Diego. She conducted   and maximize their health and   peace, which she learned from
           The personal decision Judy   trainings for women to run   well-being.          internationally renowned Am-
        made to study at the Profes-  similar programs. She re-   Helping others to max-  bassador of Peace, Prem Rawat.
        sional School was definitely   ceived the Outstanding Young   imize their potential is what   Judy says the experience has
        a step toward her happiness.   Woman of America Award,   Judy does best, especially in   reminded her “the peace that
        Some of her other professors   the Bob Marley Peace Award,   the field of education. While   passes all understanding starts
        there were Dr. Nathaniel Bran-  and a Special Service Award   teaching graduate students at   from within” and “every breath
        den, Dr. Irving Yalom, Zerka   from the County of San Diego   San Diego State University,   is precious when we are living
        Moreno and Dr. Albert Ellis,   for her work in drug educa-  Judy accepted an assistant pro-  in the experience of love and
        progenitor of cognitive-behav-  tion. She became president   fessorship at San Diego Mesa   gratitude. These are what make
        ioral therapy, which is widely   of the San Diego Chapter   College in 1989. She advanced   life most fulfilling!”
        used today. Judy added to   of the Association of Black   to associate professor, then   Getting to know Judy has
        these educational experiences   Psychologists. While holding   to full tenured professor in   been a wonderful experience.
        by networking opportunities   this position, Judy received   the Counseling Department,   The one characteristic that
        within the Association of Black   an interesting request. “I got   where she has worked for over   stands out most is that she pos-
        Psychologists. Through this   a letter across my desk about   30 years now. Being a licensed   sesses one of the kindest hearts
        association, Judy was educat-  a search for psychologists to   clinical psychologist adds   imaginable. Throughout her
        ed in African Psychology by   work with the National Foot-  a wealth of knowledge and   personal life as a mother and
        some of the most distinguished  ball League (NFL) in a new   experience to her work with   a friend, Judy has shaped her
        Black Psychologists in the   substance abuse program. My   students who need academic,   relationships with affirmations
        U.S. These included Dr. Carl   mentor convinced me I would   career and personal counsel-  of love, joy and self-acceptance.
        Clark, Dr. Carrol Waymon,   be a perfect fit, so I applied.”   ing.               Throughout her professional
        Dr. Charles Thomas, Dr. Asa   During the interview, Judy was   I asked Judy what advice   career as an author, a psycholo-
        Hilliard, Dr. Na’im Akbar,   upfront with the interview-  she would give to a student   gist, and an educator, Judy has
        Dr. Linda James-Myers, Dr.   er about her lack of football   wanting to follow her example.   inspired others to design expe-
        Nsenga Warfield-Coppack and   knowledge. “I said I have to be   “I would advise students to be   riences for themselves, as she
        Dr. Wade Nobles, founder and   honest with you; the only thing   mentored by a professional in   has for herself, full of success,
        director of the Institute for   I know about football is that   their field. Students should also  artistry and service to others.

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