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Women of Distinction

                                            and what often happens is that caregivers   in depressed brains. Previous treatments for
                                            forget to take care of one person - themselves.   depression and anxiety included a cocktail of
                                            I set out to try to stop this from happening.”  medications, many of which had frightening
                                               Dr. Inamdar started her college education   side effects.
                                            in India, and then traveled to the US where she   The success rate for TMS is significantly
                                            earned her Ph.D and her MD at the University   higher than that of medication. TMS has a 70-
                                            of South Dakota School of Medicine. She is   75% success rate where medication success
                                            a board-certified child, adolescent and adult   rates are 30-40%. If you think about the reality
                                            psychiatrist and founded Achieve Medical   of these statistics, you can understand why
                                            Center. She has over 20 years of expertise in   TMS is a much better option than medication.
                                            the diagnosis and management of psychiatric   Dr. Inamdar explains, “If you take 80 milligrams
                                            disorders.                           of Prozac, only a fraction reaches your brain,
                                               “I guess I was always a nerd. We have this   the rest is circulating through peripheral body
                                            standing joke in our family because all of my   parts affecting the liver, GI system and causes
                                            three boys are very athletic. They are into   weight gain, sexual side effects, sedation and
                                            lacrosse, football, crew and basketball. So,   sometimes just feelings like a zombie.”
                                            they joke that mom’s sport is Scrabble, which I   Their latest TMS treatment is their Nexstim,
                                            guess is pretty nerdy, but I love it. My love for it   which is an MRI guided neuro navigation
                                            started back in school, where I was the spelling   TMS. Achieve TMS is currently the only center
                                            bee champion.”                       in Southern California with this technology.
                                               An interesting fact that few people know   Nexstim is used for major depressive disorders,
                                            about Dr. Inamdar is that she has an adven-  migraines and OCD, with many more indica-
                                            turous side, way more exciting than scrabble,   tions coming by early 2020, including smoking
                                            “Yes, besides being a brain doctor, I always   cessation and opioid addiction. A patient has a
                                            wanted to be a race car driver growing up. I   brain MRI first, which allows treatment to be as
        Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions  guess this is more proof that we are always   exact a process as possible since the proce-
                                            dealing with nature vs. nurture. I was born   dure is now based on your brain and not just
                                            genetically wanting adventures, wanting to do   a brain. I personally spoke with patients of Dr.
           Dr. Shashita                     new things, wanting to push the boundaries.   Inamdar and was thrilled to see the excite-
                                                                                 ment from those who had suffered for years
                                            That has always been my thing.”
                                               This fact is quite obvious when you con-  with major depression, and anxiety and now
           INAMDAR                          sider what Dr. Inamdar has done in her field of   they were leading normal lives because of this
                                            psychiatry. She has always been on the cutting
                                                                                 amazing procedure.
                                            edge of technology. “Throughout my life when-
                                                                                   Dr. Inamdar opened her center focusing on
                                            ever anyone told me I couldn’t do something; I   TMS treatments, but her ultimate goal was to
           ACHIEVING MEDICAL                made a point of proving them wrong.”   not only treat a patient’s psychological needs
                                               Dr. Inamdar has certainly done that. She
                EXCELLENCE                  opened Achieve TMS several years ago to help   but to treat the entire person, which was the
                                                                                 impetus for Achieve. “There are so many tools
                                            patients with psychological problems which   available to us now, so we can be certain that
              By Judith A. Habert           were severely impacting their lives. TMS, or   we are using the best course of treatment
                                            Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is an FDA   for every patient that we see. What we have
                                            approved treatment for depression, anxiety,   learned is that you have to get to know your
                                            and OCD. It is a safe, localized, and non-inva-  patients before you do anything for them, and
           Dr. Shashita Inamdar grew up in a culture   sive treatment that uses magnetic pulses that   with the way current medical treatment is, a
        of giving to others. Born in Mumbai India, her   penetrate the cerebral cortex to help stimulate   physician cannot do this. Corporate medical
        Mom was a high school teacher and a huge   the mood center of the brain. To understand   centers limit the time a physician can spend
        influence in her life. Her grandfather and great   how TMS works in laymen’s terms Dr. Inamdar   with each patient, and in that designated time,
        grandfather also played a large part in forming   explains, “Depression is like gridlock on the   it is impossible to fully examine a patient from
        who Dr. Inamdar would become. Her great   freeway. Nothing moves and you’re stuck. TMS   both a physical and mental standpoint. At
        uncle was the police commissioner and they   essentially opens up new lanes so that traffic   Achieve Concierge our initial consultation is
        were all big supporters of Mahatma Gandhi   can move freely. TMS depolarizes neurons in   generally between 75-90 minutes.”
        and the Freedom Fighters, even going so far as   the brain and revs up the production of neu-  “Before a patient sets foot in our center, I
        to donate most of their land and wealth to the   rotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin,   have thoroughly reviewed all of their medical
        movement. Dr. Inamdar grew up in a culture   and norepinephrine through neural conduc-  records. When patients come into Achieve,
        of giving and a culture of community service,   tion. As a result, you feel better, you sleep bet-  they receive a full executive medical and
        so it was not surprising that she would take a   ter, and you are no longer stuck in darkness.”  neuropsychiatric physical. If a patient needs
        similar path in life.                  The actual procedure begins with each pa-  a prescription renewed, we do it within 24
           Dr. Inamdar knew that she wanted to go   tient receiving an initial brain mapping so that   hours. When they come in for their evaluation
        into the medical field. “I always wanted to   the mood center of the brain is precisely iden-  appointment, they are seen by either me or
        do something involving the brain. It was so   tified and targeted. A cushioned helmet with   one of our other Concierge MDs. Then we get
        intriguing to me. There was another reason   a magnetic coil is placed on the patient’s head   a full comprehensive lab workup, as we realize
        that played a part in my career choice as well.   by a trained and certified technician. Magnetic   that you cannot separate the brain from the
        Over the years, I have had three close friends   pulses are then directed into the mood center   body. The labs may immediately reveal a solu-
        commit suicide. They were doctors and medi-  of the brain where they stimulate and depo-  tion for the problems they are experiencing,
        cal students. They were caregivers, all of them,   larize cortical neurons that are underactive   plus we need a baseline on each new patient,

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