Page 27 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 27

Women of Distinction

          Dr. Sudabeh Moein                                                      children throughout the world. A lofty

                                                                                 goal, to say the least, but that did not stop
                                                                                 her. Dr. Moein went on to medical school
            GLOBAL PHYSICIAN, INVENTOR &                                         in Chicago and holds the distinction of
                                                                                 being the first female Iranian graduate
                        WOMEN’S ADVOCATE                                         from the medical program that matched
                                                                                 for the OB/GYN residency at Harbor-UC-
                                                                                 LA Medical Center. She was also the
                                By Judith A. Habert                              first female Iranian woman accepted to
                                                                                 the program. Upon her graduation from
           When you look at the list of achieve-  to the USA, and became a doctor, that I   her residency training, her dedication
        ments this woman has, as a physician and   would find a way to give back to the poor   and hard work was formally recognized
        as a human being, you can’t help but be in   and destitute globally. I would do every-  when she was awarded the title of the best
        awe of her. Dr. Moein didn’t start off with   thing I could to help women and children   resident surgeon and received recogni-
        the means or ability to achieve her dream,   throughout the world in any way that I   tion by the Society of Laparoendoscopic
        but she triumphed through adversity.   could.”                           Surgeons.
        Knowing this will allow you to under-                                       After graduating, Dr. Moein came to
        stand why this woman chose the role she                                  San Diego to work at Scripps Green as the
        did in life. We can only be thankful that                                first Iranian Ob/Gyn at Scripps Clinic.
        someone like Dr. Moein exists in this                                    Soon after she opened her own OB/GYN
        world. Among all the pain and suffering                                  practice with the title of Women’s Integra-
        that exists, Dr. Moein believed that it was                              tive Center for Obstetrics & Gynecology,
        her calling to make sure that two very                                   helping to guide women through often
        important factions of our society, wom-                                  difficult pregnancies and helping to deliv-
        en and children, had a better chance to                                  er hundreds of healthy babies, and offer
        survive and prosper.                                                     cutting edge surgeries. She soon became
           Although she is very proud to tell you                                certified as one of the first few robotic
        of the many contributions and accom-                                     surgeons in her field. Along the way, Dr.
        plishments of her parents, while she was                                 Moein’s goal has always been to concen-
        growing up, these were in another world,                                 trate on some female issues that she felt
        one which was on the brink of war and                                    had long been ignored. She realized that
        did not hold much promise for a young                                    there were so many ways she could help
        woman wanting to gain an education,                                      patients, especially in areas that women
        become a doctor and help those in need.                                  are often reticent to speak about.
           Dr. Moein did not grow up in this                                        While at Scripps she had the great
        country with a silver spoon in her mouth                                 pleasure to work with Dr. Mimi Guarneri,
        and a trust fund to see her way through                                  an esteemed physician who has dedicated
        college and medical school. At the age                                   her career to helping people both in this
        of 17, when most children are visiting   Photo by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions  country, and in the outreaches of India.
        colleges to decide which college fits their                                 One of Dr. Moein’s dreams was real-
        needs, Dr. Moein was escaping from a    When Dr. Moein finally made it to   ized in 2010, when she accompanied Dr.
        country in the ravages of war, afraid she   the US, she wasted no time gaining the   Guarneri and a host of other well-known
        would simply become another statistic of   education she desired. She did her un-  and well-respected doctors and health
        the unrest.                         dergraduate degree at UCLA in micro-  care professionals to India to help bring
           Her journey was one of 2 years. At 17,  biology and molecular genetics. “While   medical aid and training to many ex-
        Dr. Moein escaped through the borders of   taking an epidemiology course I fell in   tremely impoverished areas. This touched
        Afghanistan and Pakistan and spent two   love with public health, so in my last year   Dr. Moein’s heart so greatly with the
        years trying to get to the United States.   of college, I took courses in the school   realization of how she could help so many
        During her quest to get to America, she   of public health, and I took the GRE and   women in India, often saving lives along
        obtained a job working with the United   the MCAT exams at the same time. I was   the way, that she has since returned over
        Nations. “This was my first exposure to   thrilled when I was admitted to the grad-  ten times and continues to work hand in
        refugees, and I marveled at the work done   uate school of public health at UCLA.”  hand with the doctors and health care
        by the UN. I remember telling my boss   Dr. Moein took every course avail-  professionals in India.
        about my dreams of becoming a doctor   able for women’s and children’s health   This experience forever changed the
        and her encouraging me to find a way to   because she knew that one day she would   way Dr. Moein would look at her life.
        get to America. It was at that point, that   follow her dream and her mission to help   “There were changes that I felt I needed
        I made a promise to myself that if I got   eradicate the suffering of women and   to make once I looked at life on planet

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