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Women of Distinction

                         Suzana Gartner, J.D., LL.M.

                             A VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS

                                                   By Judith A. Habert

           Suzana Gartner has made it her mis-  ing. Suzana deals mainly with compan-  to resolve the party’s issues in an amicable
        sion in life to speak for those who have no   ion animals -advocating for dogs, cats,   manner and conclude to a peaceful and
        voice of their own. Suzana is an Animal   and horses, however, she has also spent   harmonious resolution. I am happy to say
        Rights Lawyer, Mediator, Consultant,   considerable time outside of her practice   that California is one of the first states that
        Animal Advocate and Activist.       lobbying for farm animals and wildlife.   have recognized the best interests of the
           Born in Johannesburg, South Africa,   I asked Suzana to share what an Ani-  animal when couples are going through
        her family moved to Canada when she was  mal Rights Lawyer did in her day-to-day   divorces when dealing with pet custody
        an infant.                          operations.                          disputes.”
           Her interest in animals surfaced at                                      As a side note, California is also the
        an early age, “My moms recalls when I                                    first state to ban the sale and manufacture
        was quite young this passion for helping                                 of new fur products and the third to bar
        animals emerged proven with my habit of                                  most animals from circus performances
        rescuing feral and stray cats in the neigh-                              under a pair of bills signed in mid-Octo-
        borhood as a young girl.” Over her lifetime                              ber. This law bars residents from selling or
        she would continue rescuing animals in a                                 making clothing, shoes, or handbags with
        variety of ways.                                                         fur. This law will take effect in 2023.
           Suzana and her husband moved to                                          Sometimes individuals take on the
        Newport Beach, California in 2005, while                                 responsibility of adopting a pet with-
        he finished his medical training. Her                                    out really thinking through the process.
        first son Andrew was born in California,                                 Also, certain animals are more likely to
        however, they returned to Canada shortly                                 be victims of abuse and neglect. Horses,
        after so her husband could start his prac-                               for example, are often purchased, and the
        tice. “My interest in animals continued                                  individual does not realize how expensive
        throughout my life. No matter where we                                   it is to own one and cannot afford the
        lived, I've always volunteered at animal                                 boarding and upkeep. As a result, there-
        shelters.”                                                               fore, horses can become victims of animal
           Suzana knew that she wanted to be                                     neglect and abandonment.
        the voice for these innocent creatures                                      So, if you love animals and are think-
        however, at the time she had never heard                                 ing you might want to get into a similar
        of an Animal Rights Attorney. “At the time                               field, what should you do? Suzana shared
        the profession did not really exist. So my                               the following: “In my case after I complet-
        career took a few paths, but it eventually                               ed my law degree, I worked for a while
        led me to Animal Law. I took a gamble   “I spend a great deal of time work-  and then went back to school to obtain a
        and opened the first animal law practice   ing to initiate change in the legal system   master’s of law degree. I was fortunate to
        in Canada, Gartner & Associates Animal   where animals are concerned because   have a law professor who understood what
        Law and Mediation Services. My firm is   unfortunately, even though they are living   I wanted to do and allowed me to write my
        dedicated to protecting the interests of an-  breathing creatures they are still regarded   master of law thesis focusing on Animal
        imals through negotiation and mediation.   as a person’s property in many states. In   Law. I did a lot of volunteer work around
        The firm provides services in these areas:   my practice area, I deal most frequently   animals and volunteered with politicians
        pet custody/ownership disputes, denial   with pet custody disputes. So, for instance   lobbying the government to change the
        of pet insurance claims, breeder disputes,   if a couple is divorcing, it will often come   laws pertaining to animal rights.”
        dog breed bans, pet condominium issues,   down to who gets to keep the dog or what   Today there are several law schools
        dangerous dog order appeals, negligence   kind of shared custody agreement we can   with a curriculum around animal rights
        cases, pet boarding disputes, equine/horse   work out so both individuals are happy   so you can focus on this course of study in
        law, pet estate matters, rescue start-ups,   and the dog’s best interest is considered.   law school now, which they did not offer
        lobbying work, and much more.”      I mediate these types of disputes with my   when Suzana was in school.
           Suzana launched her practice almost   main focus being that the companion an-  Suzana admits that there was a lot of
        six years ago and today business is boom-  imal is safe, loved, and wanted. My goal is   pressure in the beginning of her practice

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