Page 34 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 34


                MICHELE LAROCQUE

                             A Lifetime of Fitness

                              Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions

                     ICHELE LAROCQUE WAS          tried to find fun ways to stay in shape,
                Mborn and raised in the Bay Area   so she recorded music on cassette
                and was just 5 years old when she first   tapes and put exercise moves to them.
                experienced her love of dance. Her   She began workout sessions in her
                mom signed her up for dance and she   apartment and before long she had
                was hooked. She loved how it made   other students joining her too. This
                her feel and she’s been moving to mu-  was her first discovery of loving the
                sic ever since!                   motivation and accountability in a
                    Normally a shy child, a metamor-  group exercise setting.       tions being held at “Jane Fonda’s The
                phosis occurred once she set foot on   The combination of dance and fit-  Workout” in Encino. She went to the
                the dance floor. “I was shy but when I   ness became a much stronger passion   audition. “We were given a number
                danced and moved my body to music,   during this time for Michele. Little did   that was pinned on our leotard. The
                I liked the way it made me feel inside. I   she know where her career in fitness   audition was led by an instructor
                think that’s where it all began for me”  would lead her. After college, Michele   who taught a high impact aerobics
                    Sadly, when Michele was 16 yrs.   moved back to the Bay Area where she  class. We followed his lead. If you
                old, her dad passed away. It caused her   auditioned and made the cheerleading   were tapped on the shoulder that
                to delve even deeper into dance. She   dance team for the USFL Oakland   meant, thank you for coming. The last
                found it cathartic and a way to help to   Invaders. Rehearsals were grueling but   ones standing continued on through
                heal from the pain of such a great loss.   she loved the dance routines!  the hiring process. I was grateful to
                “I truly believe with all my heart that   At the same time, Michele got   make the cut.” Michele moved to LA,
                dance is a real healing force. Being   her first job at a women’s gym. “I was   worked full time and taught at Jane
                around others and getting lost in your   hired to sell memberships, just hoping   Fonda’s and a few other gyms.
                movements to the music helps to heal   to get my foot in the door. I was not    It was while living in SoCal that
                whatever you might be going through.   very good at sales and they knew it.   Michele had her first intro to the birth
                It’s powerful.”                   It wasn’t long after that, they took a   of Step Classes. This popular fitness
                    Michele has always believed that   chance on me and let me lead my first   class became a love of hers and taught
                moving your body and living a healthy  aerobics class. I had observed an in-  her how to master “cueing” in a class
                lifestyle allows you to heal from   structor leading classes there and knew  setting. “I loved the choreography and
                within. “I love what dance, moving to   that’s where I wanted to be. I LOVED   creativity on the step. It was like teach-
                music and exercise does to our bodies,   it. Today, many years later, my love for   ing a fun dance routine on stairs to
                but what happens to the inside, our   it is the same. I love teaching group   pumping music!” She was also teach-
                soul, is the most important. I love   fitness classes and dance instruction. I   ing sculpting classes with weights and
                sharing that with others”         get paid to move my body and do what   Hi-lo aerobic dance classes too.
                    As Michele was growing up,    I love! How cool is that?”           Michele is the mother to 2 sons,
                she dreamed of having a career as a   What made Michele even happi-  1 daughter and 1 stepdaughter. She
                dancer in Hollywood. “but I needed to   er was watching the reactions of her   taught Aerobics and Step classes
                be realistic and had to think beyond   students in class. “Helping others dis-  through all 3 of her pregnancies,
                that dream. I went to a small college   cover the fun in exercise while getting   until the middle of the last trimester!
                in Idaho, Ricks College. I had friends   healthy gives me great joy to be able to   “When my kids were little, they would
                attending and I heard it had a good   share this with them!”        come to the gym with me and go to
                dance program.”                      Unfortunately, the salary to teach   the nursery while I taught. It was a
                    At college she auditioned for   aerobic classes was not enough to live   job I could do with them and also do
                Showtime Company, a traveling     on, so Michele obtained a full-time   when they became school age.”
                variety show, and made it as one of 6   position and taught classes before and   Michele taught Group Exercise
                dancers chosen. She also auditioned   after work as well as weekends too.   at multiple gyms while in the North
                and made the Ricks College Modern   A friend of Michele’s who lived in   County San Diego area. Frogs Athletic
                Dance Team. During this time, she   L.A. told her about upcoming audi-  Club in Solana Beach and Encinitas,

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