Page 38 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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to go into a person’s office and just take never kick in.” I asked Nadia what the For some of us growing up we were
them aside for 30-45 minutes of exercise optimal amount of sleep that somebody always told to clean our plates, Nadia
can be so helpful for their bodies and should have to keep healthy? “The opti- suggests that you always leave a little
their minds. For many people, this may mal amount is 8 hours for adults and 12 something on the plate, since portion
be the only exercise they get. “I watch to14 for children.” size in our country is often too big. She
many employees go from being unable The majority of Nadia’s clients are also suggests that when you go out to a
to do 5 minutes of exercise to being able just regular people, not gym rats or restaurant immediately ask for a doggie
to make it through the entire work- exercise fanatics, because they already bag and pack half of the portion away.
out and they are so proud when they know what to do. “I love working with “I never tell anyone they must give up
achieve these goals.” those who may not know what to do, their favorite food. You can eat anything
Sometimes Nadia will create group or they don't know where to start. My you want as long as you consider portion
challenges for her clients. The challenges average clients work with me anywhere control. For some of my clients what
can be for weight loss, for increased car- from 3 to 12 months, because in that works best is having them set aside a
diovascular health and endurance, or in- time period I can educate them on special day each month to go to their
creased muscle tone, whatever the reason what to do and then they can continue favorite Italian or Mexican restaurant and
it is always great for my clients. The group doing all that I have taught them. I do enjoy the food they love, they just can’t
supports each other and pushes each have long-term clients as well, who feel do that every night.”
other to do better and achieve things that they need the constant motivation One of the last tips Nadia provided
they never believed possible. “What I have to keep at it, but I like to see a client was that we need to have realistic goals
to remind my clients is that being healthy graduate and I feel good knowing they when it comes to weight loss. “You didn’t
starts on the inside and doesn’t always have the tools necessary to maintain a gain those twenty pounds in two weeks,
show on the outside first, but it will, and healthy lifestyle.” so you can’t expect to lose it in two
they will feel so much better.” I asked one last question of Nadia weeks. Accept that it is a process and just
Nadia considers herself more of a for our readers. For those of us who are stick with your plan.”
lifestyle coach or health, wellness, and looking to get healthy, what is the first
fitness coach, rather than just a personal step we should take? “Before I even take For more information or to set up an ap-
trainer. “Training is only a small part of on a client, I suggest that the first thing pointment, contact Nadia at:
the process. It's just physical, and it's just that they do is to track everything they
about teaching you how to move or how do for a week and write it all down. What Cell 619 210 9779
to do a squat. I take a more holistic ap- they eat, what they drink during the day,
proach. I get to know the whole person. what exercise, if any they do, what their
I will ask them what is going on in their hobbies are and how long they spend dia-mondragon-352642a0
life? Are they super stressed at work? doing it. What is their work schedule?
Are they having trouble sleeping? Are Because many people sabotage their Nadia Elena Mondragon FMDG. CPT.
they drinking enough water? If sleep is a good intentions and aren’t even aware of CES. BCS WLS.
problem, we need to correct their sleep it. This puts it all out in front of them so MD. graduated by UACJ
patterns. Sleep is an essential part of they have all the information and then Certify Personal Trainer by NASM
health. To lose weight or keep a healthy we can start looking for problems to fix. Certify Personal trainer by SWCC
weight, you need to get enough sleep. If The second thing I tell them is to drink Corrective Exercise Specialist by NASM
you don't sleep enough or deep enough, more water and then to cut down their Behavior Change Specialist by NASM
the hormones that repair your body will food intake.” Weight Loss Specialist by NASM