Page 42 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 42


                                                                     IT WAS MY HONOR

                                                           Some look at you with eyes of belated trust.
                                                           “Why didn’t I speak before” they think.
                                                            In those days when it mattered the most.
                                                           You sense a modicum of regret.

                                                           But you have honor and pride and a silent awe.
                                                           Mostly you puff up some. Not really sure of yourself.
                                                           Many times, you say a simple “Thank You.”

                                                           It is healing yet bewildering. Never expected. Never
                                                            “Why now, why so late?” you muse.
                                                           Does it matter? Not in the least. Not for a warrior.

                                                           So, after you say your bit, and after you shake hands and
                                                           part company,
                                                           You drift to things tucked away…far away.
                                                           If you are one of the few, the lucky, seconds later, reality

                                                           And if you feel right, you walk a bit taller, feel happier,
                                                           revisit your self worth.

                                                           For many years you sought the perfect response.
                                                           What do you say to someone who says
                                                            “Thank you for service?”
                                                           What answer says what you really feel?

                                                           Maybe you agree with me. To serve, to survive, to endure
                                                           it is what we did.
                                                           For me “It Was My Honor,” that seems like the best reply.

                                                                                      Author – A Vietnam Veteran

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