Page 45 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 45


        her major issues. “I didn't under-  out what's happening. Instead of   out of control. I was extreme-
        stand what was going on. Looking   helping me, they turned the case   ly suicidal. I had no support
        back now, the reason I had such   around, and they did a retalia-  system whatsoever. And it wasn't
        a difficult time processing what   tory drug investigation on me   until 2012 that I began seeing a
        happened was because I’m a Ma-  stemming from the night I was   mental health professional who
        rine, right? I'm trained to be the   raped. They told me that based   guided me through the process
        person who protects others, but I   on reporting they had proof that   of opening up and talking about
        couldn't protect myself. I couldn't,   I was drugged the night that I   the rape.”
        that night, and it messed with my   was raped. Which I was by my as-  When she realized she wasn’t
        head.”                     sailant. They were able to gather   crazy and she could become well
           Thankfully, by God’s grace   a bunch of his friends together   again she contacted another sen-
        she could not remember all the   who said I had been doing drugs   ator, Senator Boxer and she did
        details of the attack. Even being   and was really messed up. They   her first press conference in 2013
        aware of the treatment Luz re-  came at me with 13 counts of use   with the Senator. “In 2014, I was
        ceived upon reporting her earlier   and possession of controlled sub-  invited to Washington by Senator
        abuse sexual harassment it never   stances, although there was no   Gillibrand, to speak on behalf of
        occurred to her not to report   truth to the allegation. Basically,   the Military Justice Improvement
        this. This was a horrible crime,   they told me, you can sign here,   Act.”
        she was drugged and raped, and   and we'll give you an ‘other than   Luz was in and out of the
        she knew she could not let her   honorable discharge and you can   public eye sharing her story. But   “Trina and I met at this amaz-
        attacker get away with it. The   go home,’ or we could take this   she hadn't really gotten into   ing retreat for women veterans.
        result was that they opened an   to court martial and you're facing   the space of recovery. So, it was   We were both getting better,
        investigation from NCIS for the   potential life in prison. “  good on the one hand because   but we felt isolated and realized
        crime of rape.                Luz was 19 and scared to   she was publicly talking about it,   there needed to be a place that
           Before very long Luz real-  death by the threats, “I felt that I   but it was really difficult because   we could bring victims survivors
        ized that they were not doing   didn’t have a lot of options here   at the same time, she still didn't   together. We realized that it was
        anything. “No one was taking it   and I didn't understand what I   have access through the VA to   possible to thrive even after
        serious. They weren't investigat-  was signing. I made the decision   get mental health care.  sexual trauma. We wanted other
        ing. And I started to get really   to separate and go home and so   “In 2012, I began to petition   survivors of MST to realize that
        angry, I tried to find out what   I took the same discharge that   the VA for disability compensa-  there is an opportunity for post-
        was going on. And I found out   they had given the man that   tion based on the fact that I'd   traumatic growth. And so, we
        eventually that during this open   raped me.”         been diagnosed with PTSD as a   made a decision that we would
        investigation for the crime of   Luz didn't understand that   result of Military Sexual Trauma.   stay in contact and see what
        rape, they allowed this Sergeant   by signing that paper she gave   It took four years and letters from   comes of it. About a year later,
        who raped me to separate from   up all of her veteran’s benefits.   three senators; Senator Boxer,   we launched the start of our
        the military with an ‘other than   “I came home thinking, well, I'll   Senator Grassley, and Senator   organization on January 1, 2019.
        honorable discharge,’ leave the   go to the VA and I'll get some   Gillibrand and the legal team at   It's called the Veterans Recovery
        Island and go back to the United   mental health assistance and   Chapman University, who took   Project.
        States. I was devastated.”  see somebody who will be able   my case pro bono, to finally get   It is a place where we can
           Luz sent the information,   to help me get my sanity back.   my discharge upgraded to a   share what our lives look like as a
        including the NCIS statement   I made a phone call to the VA   general ‘under honorable condi-  result of implementing different
        and files to her mother who took   and I was told, you are no longer   tions’ which meant that in 2016,   forms of recreational therapy.
        them to Congressman Michael   considered a veteran of the   16 years after I had been raped, I   We encourage different types of
        Forbes office, but they too re-  United States Marine Corps. You   was allowed to have my VA ben-  therapeutic modalities, such as
        fused to help her.         do not rate any veteran benefits.   efits back. And I began mental   joining a writing group, artwork,
           “I even went to the base   Goodbye.”               health care through the VA.   horseback riding, mountain
        general to try to figure out what   Luz went home in June 2000   Today Luz works with her   climbing, and surfing.
        the hell was going on, why they   and received no mental health   business partner, Trina McDonald,   There are many ways to navi-
        allowed this to happen. Essen-  care. She had severe, debilitating   a Navy Veteran and also a survivor   gate through recovery from PTSD
        tially, I angered many people in   PTSD, but she didn’t know it for   of Military Sexual Trauma. She   that don't involve just sitting in a
        high places. I had a congressional   13 years. “I had no idea. I knew   was in a documentary called ‘The   therapist's office. Our mission is
        inquiry coming from the State of   something was wrong with me,   Invisible War’ produced by Kirby   to build a community of survivors
        New York going out to Washing-  but I didn't know what and my   Dick. A documentary about MST   of Military Sexual Trauma to build
        ton, DC and going over to the   parents didn't know how to help   and the epidemic that it's become   resiliency in that community and
        base in Okinawa to try to find   me and I just kind of spiraled   in the U S military.   to give people a space to openly
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