Page 46 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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        talk about how they're recover-  there for almost two decades and   sufferers of MST. We want people   If you are a service member, veteran
        ing, and what they're doing.  I'm done.”              to know it is not just a women’s   (or a friend/family) with an imme-
           We want to be focused on   Luz is both a writer and a   issue this abuse happens to men   diate crisis, call the Veteran Crisis
        what we are for, not what we   mosaic artist and is currently   as well, and it isn’t limited to the   Line at 800-273-8255, text 838255
        are against and, create a really   working to complete her book   US Military. It is a global problem.   for help (24/7 responses), or visit
        healthy, positive space for people   entitled “Beautifully Broken,” Con-  It is an abuse of power issue. We
        to discuss what it looks like when   tact her at luzhelenasariento@  encourage people who have   Listen to Luz in the wonderful
        you start recovering and expe- to preorder your copy.  never been through MST to join   videos below.
        riencing posttraumatic growth.   If you are in need of assis-  as part of the community, to be   Luz Washington DC -
        There are plenty of places to go   tance please visit www. veteran-  there for survivors as supporters,
        online to talk about the trauma,   srecoveryproject. org.   and to help provide community   Invisible Wounds -
        but I don't want to live there   “We provide information   support.”    
        anymore. You know, I resided   about the resources available for

                                                                        Damage Controlman 2nd Class Ronald McKeever
                                                                        reunited with his daughter
                                                                        Damage Controlman 2nd Class Ronald McKeever, as-
                                                                        signed to the guided-missile destroyer USS Michael Mur-
                                                                        phy (DDG 112), holds up his daughter during a home-
                                                                        coming ceremony following a three-month deployment.
                                                                        Michael Murphy was deployed to the U.S. 3rd and 4th
                                                                        fleet areas of operation.

                                                                        U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd
                                                                        Class Devin M. Langer/Released

        A crew member aboard USS Constitution lay on the
        shrouds before training Chief Selectees during Chief
        Petty Officer (CPO) Heritage Week in Boston
        A crew member aboard USS Constitution lay on the
        shrouds before training Chief Selectees during Chief Petty
        Officer (CPO) Heritage Week. CPO Heritage Week is a week
        dedicated to mentoring the Navy's newest chiefs through
        naval history and heritage training aboard America's Ship
        of State, USS Constitution.
        U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class
        Sarah Villegas/Released

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