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Fabulous Finds



        2.  Casus Grill                     enthusiasts and an item that belongs in   4.  Drinkmate™
           If you are the adventurous type and   everyone’s trunk for that spur-of-the-  If you are looking for a way to add
        love to just jump in your car and take   moment BBQ.                     some sparkle to your life than you have
        a trip to parts unknown, or maybe just   Go to The Grommet to order yours   to pick up a Drinkmate™ This is the first
        to your local beach, don’t leave home   today  machine on the market that allows you
        without this amazing product. The Ca-  products/casus-grill-instant-biode-  to quickly carbonate ANY BEVERAGE,
        sus Grill is an eco-friendly instant grill,   gradable-grill-2           not just water. Let Drinkmate™ help you
        which is the perfect replacement for the                                 escape from unhealthy soft drinks and
        run-of-the-mill aluminum ones.      3.  Classic 3-Piece BBQ Set          create your own healthy variation.
           This grill is all natural and biode-  There are many ways to show your   You can take your favorite beverage,
        gradable. The frame is cardboard with   allegiance to your favorite sports team   juice, iced tea, cocktails, wine or water
        bamboo grill gates and a lava stone   or even to the branch of service in   and add a tasty sparkle to it. Drink-
        lining, which helps to retain heat. There   which you served. One of our favorite   mate™ can be used in your house or on
        is no difficult installation involved and   ways is with the classic 3-piece BBQ   the go, since it requires no electricity
        the bamboo charcoal briquettes heat   Set. The three-piece set includes a   or batteries. All you need is the CO2
        up in minutes without the use of lighter   heavy-duty spatula and a grill fork, both   cartridge, which allows you to be cre-
        fluid and will remain hot for an hour. Af-  sporting a built in bottle opener and a   ative with both alcoholic and non-alco-
        ter you have had your delicious grilled   set of tongs. You can select one of over   holic beverages. Create a favorite new
        meal, you can just toss the grill into   140 major league or college teams and   cocktail for your next party, using the
        your campfire or douse it with water   any branch of the military. The spatu-  Drinkmate™. There are recipes for some
        and dump it into a trash bin where it   la has a laser cut design which varies   delicious beverages on their website.
        will naturally decompose.           based on your selection.   
           One of our editors took the grill out   The handle is made of a hard maple   Drinkmate™ is available in matte
        for a spin and was thrilled with the end   wood with durable brass rivets and   black, metallic red, and pewter to go
        result. She shared the following with   stainless steel. It is certain to garner you   with any décor. The Drinkmate™ bottles
        us, “The end product was as delicious   a high five from fellow team aficiona-  are BPA-free with volume mark lines to
        as any grilled food I have ever had, and   dos. Give that special BBQ chef in your   help assist you on following whatever
        I am a BBQ freak. The food was as tasty   home one of these personalized sets   great recipes you want to create. With its
        and perfectly grilled as any I have had   and let him share his pride.   distinct design, Drinkmate™ allows users
        before.”                               Order yours today at: https://www.  to be creative and explore new sparkling
           This inexpensive and environmen-  drinks that weren’t even possible to
        tally friendly grill is a must have for BBQ   piece-bbq-set              make before.

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