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Fabulous Finds
head that simulates the static on a TV set using SNOOZ I have found it so much 10. My shape
that is not set on a station, or the ringing easier to get to sleep. When used in With the New Year just around the
similar to that of your phone message combination with the specially designed corner, many of us are determined to
ding, but it never stops. Sometimes it is app, you have complete control of the shed those extra pounds that somehow
the sound of popcorn popping. Tinnitus sound level and intensity. I recommend seemed to creep on around the holi-
makes it almost impossible to sleep it for anyone who has a similar difficulty, day season. To avoid this from being a
because the quieter your environment and it is also a great item to help young repeat of past years, and those dreaded
becomes the louder the sound in your children get to sleep and stay asleep. Go New Year’s Resolutions, try My Shape,
head. That is why I was extremely excit- to a clinically tested patented dietary
ed when I heard about SNOOZ and even ucts/snooz-portable-bluetooth-white- supplement and weight loss program
happier when I had the opportunity to noise-machine to order yours today. which increases your metabolism and
test it out. Don’t get me wrong, there are promotes weight loss.
many white noise machines out there, 9. TWIST World Charging Station My Shape was developed by a physi-
but not like this. SNOOZ is actually a This is the one charger that takes cian with over three decades of experi-
mechanical fan that spins to generate care of all your charging needs. TWIST ence in treating overweight and obese
peaceful white noise that lulls you to World Charging Stations work as a patients. Taken 20 to 30 minutes before
sleep. Instead of using an actual fan stand-alone international charging meals, My Shape powerfully blends
which let’s face it is not desirable, in the station. Rather than pulling out multiple locust bean gum, northern kidney bean
middle of the winter, or when you check chargers to charge your iPhone, iPad, extract and green tea leaf extract into a
into a five-star hotel with a full-size fan smartphone, or tablet, twist to select hunger-curbing, metabolism-boosting
in hand. SNOOZ generates peaceful the local plug and power up to four de- total weight loss solution.
white noise, it doesn’t blow unwanted vices from one outlet. This amazing new A few of our staff gave it a whirl and
cold air and uses a fraction of the elec- product is usable anywhere in the world found that it did in fact do as the adver-
tricity of a fan. SNOOZ was designed by for multiple devices. Now users can tising suggested. Hunger cravings were
Eli Lazar and Matt Snyder who realized travel a little smarter and a little lighter. curbed and the absorption of less carb
that they used the same aid in getting TWIST World Charging Station is and fat seemed apparent. They felt as if
their children to sleep, they would point made of PC plastic and is for indoor use their hunger pangs were less and even
a fan away from their small children and only. You can charge up to four devices our vegetarian staff members were able
the noise blocked out any sudden noise simultaneously with worldwide com- to try it since it is in the form of a vege-
that would wake them from sleep. They patibility in over 150 countries and only tarian capsule. This inexpensive supple-
wanted to build something better, and weighs 0.35 lbs. ment is also made in the USA.
they did. The fan is in an acoustic cham- Looking for a solution to your This natural supplement is avail-
ber that combined creates the signature charging needs go to www.thegrom- able online at
fan sound. I can honestly say that since