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Fabulous Finds




           The Drinkmate™ has a patented    6.  Tiki Tunes                       Kush Queen, and its like-minded female
        detachable Fizz Infuser and dual-stage   Tiki Tunes from Limitless Innovations  founder, Olivia Alexander.
        valve system which allows for better   is not only a wonderfully vibrant sound-  The products are a true collabora-
        control on release of CO2. The unit   ing speaker, but a definite conversation   tion of the two ladies. They smell won-
        is easy to operate and easy to clean.   piece. The flickering ambient light that   derful and were designed with a high
        The unit comes with a 3 oz starter   is emitted from this speaker sets the   amount of Nano CBD to deliver notice-
        CO2 carbonator so out of the box you   mood and the 5-watt speaker offers 6   able effects and help reduce inflamma-
        can start creating your favorite new   hours of continuous playtime from any   tion, pain, fatigue, and anxiety.
        beverages.                          wireless compatible device with its built   You can experience this product
           Go to and   in 2000 mAh rechargeable battery.  in three different ways, a 200mg CBD
        start creating new exciting drinks.    The Tiki Tunes is great for both out-  Bath Bomb which is a single use and
                                            door and indoor settings due to its IP65   contains a vetiver, which is helpful for
        5.  Flexible Wood Cutting Board     rating, which means that this device is   circulation issues and also includes
           If you are looking for a beautiful   dust tight and protected from water. Your   sandalwood which helps to promote
        addition to your kitchen, look no further  device can be up to 30 feet away. You can   mental clarity.
        than the Flexible Wood Cutting Board.   also pair two devices together for stereo   The second item in the brand is
        This board is made in Wisconsin from   sound at your next outdoor BBQ.   150mg CBD Body Lotion, which is an
        North Carolina hardwood, but amaz-     Our favorite camper in our office   everyday lotion with a light scent of
        ingly you can bend it. Yes, it is made of   told us that bringing the Tiki Tunes on   lavender. It is absorbed directly into
        wood yet bendable! The reason is that   her last camping trip made her outing a   the skin and does not have any greasy
        the surface is backed by food-grade   lot more fun. “The music sounded great,   residue.
        silicone that allows better grip and   and we danced the night away in the   The third item is a 150mg Bubble
        bendability. This layer of silicone helps   middle of nowhere.”          Bath with a light chamomile and laven-
        to protect your countertop surface. So,  der scent to aid in relaxation and sleep.
        no worries about putting a cut in that   product/tikitunes/                Order yours today at https://www.
        brand-new expensive granite or quartz                          
        countertop.                         7.  Alice & Olivia and Kush Queen    alice-olivia/
           Available in oak or walnut the cut-  With many CBD products on the
        ting board measures 11” x 14” x 0.13”  market, this particular brand is a col-  8.  SNOOZ Portable Bluetooth White
           The look is pure class and the   laboration from two top names, Stacey   Noise Machine
        product is pure flexibility. Order yours   Bendet and Olivia Alexander. When   Many of our readers know that I have
        today at The Grommet at https://www.  looking to enter the CBD space, cloth-  been suffering with severe tinnitus for      ing designer Stacey Bendet was drawn   almost ten years. For those who don’t
        flex-flexible-wood-cutting-board    to the leading luxury cannabis brand,   know what tinnitus is, it is noise in your

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