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Women of Distinction

                                   work out. But, that's the truth.”  them very busy. I started with   I asked Whitney where she
                                      Whitney decided to jump   Sheppard as a first year in 2011   saw herself career wise. “I am
                                   right into the legal field by in-  after passing the bar and am   extremely happy at Sheppard
                                   terning at the State of California  now a partner.”    Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.
                                   Attorney General’s Office in   In her position, she rep-  This is where I want to spend
                                   their death penalty appeals di-  resents developers all through-  my entire career. They will have
                                   vision. She quickly realized that   out the Southern California   to pull me out of there kicking
                                   although she loved studying   region. “We have a lot of mixed-  and screaming. I love the firm.
                                   law, being a prosecutor might   use projects in downtown San   I love their culture. I love the
                                   not be in the cards for her. “At   Diego and downtown Los   work that they do. They've got
                                   the time there was a retrial of an  Angeles that are incorporating   complex and interesting deals.
                                   accused murderer in San Diego.  commercial, retail, office, and   I never have a boring day. It's
                                   The victim was a nine-year-  living all in one. We also repre-  never monotonous. They really
                                   old girl. At the time my sister   sent several industrial logistic   appreciate and value their em-
                                   was relatively young, and just   center clients in the Inland Em-  ployees. I can actually work 10-
                                   coming home to the idea that   pire, solar projects in Imperial   12-hour days with my co-work-
                                   that could have been her was   County, and wind generation   ers and still want to go grab a
                                   too upsetting for me. The way   energy facilities up in North-  bite or a glass of wine with these
                                   in which that affected me made   ern California. it keeps my job   same people. I consider them
                                   me realize that I didn't have the   exciting being able to work in so  not just co-workers but family.
                                                                                             Although Whitney didn’t
                                   ability to detach my work from   many different areas.”  pursue her career as a vet-
                                   my personal life. I felt strongly
                                                                  Whitney is proud of the
        Whitney                    about being a lawyer, I just   impact she has through her   erinarian, she is still very
                                   needed to find the area of law
                                                                                          involved with animals. “I am
                                                              position. “California, in my
                                   that would be my life’s work.”  estimation, is an absolutely   very involved in animal rescue
        Hodges                     graduate degree at USC, so she   beautiful state. We have every-  and animal advocacy. I am the
                                       Whitney did her under-
                                                                                          General Counsel for the San
                                                              thing. We have mountains. We
                                   continued on and obtained   have the desert. We have the   Diego Humane Society, which
        KEEPING                    her law degree at USC Gould   coast. It's just beautiful. What I   my firm was generous enough
                                                              love about my job is that I am in  to bring in on a Pro Bono basis.
                                   School of Law. During her time
        CALIFORNIA                 in law school, still searching   an area of law that helps protect   My boyfriend, Chris, and I fos-
        BEAUTIFUL                  for the area of law in which she   the natural beauty of California,  ter kittens. So, we have had a re-
                                   would practice, she sat in on a
                                                                                          volving door of kittens for about
                                                              while making certain that the
                                   couple of real estate classes and   ability exists to retain business-  four years now. And we've had
                                   realized that this was what she   es, be sustainable, and continue   about 65 come through that
                                   wanted to do. “I wanted to focus   to have a strong economy. So,   we've raised from birth to about
           When Whitney Hodges     my energy in this vast field, but   while I tend towards being   nine weeks of age.”
        was a child, people asked her   most particularly in land use   more on the environmental   Whitney loves being
        what she wanted to be when she  and environmental law. I also   side, it's just not feasible to   involved and helping animals.
        grew up. There was no hesita-  knew that I wanted to stay in San  prevent any sort of development  San Diego Humane Society has
        tion she would quickly respond.  Diego and thankfully San Diego   within California. Attempting   taken over the animal services
        “I want to be a veterinarian.”   and California have a plethora of  to only protect the environment  for the incorporated cities in
        This would soon change. “I   environmental laws and different  comes at the cost of being able   San Diego County, doubling
        apprenticed with a veterinarian   land use mechanisms that can   to attract and retain talent for   their capacity in the past 18
        for about two years, and after   keep any attorney busy.”  some of the bigger industries   months. Whitney was instru-
        about the fifth time passing out   Even though Whitney was   we have out here. My goal was   mental in getting the positive
        during a blood draw for an ani-  graduating during the recession,  to enter an area of law that   votes from each town’s City
        mal, I realized that this was not   she was able to find a position   encompasses all of these things   Counsel to assure the continued
        the right career path for me.”  that was a perfect fit for what   while promoting sustainable   care and safety of the animals in
           Searching for a new di-  she wanted to accomplish.   and smart development. You   the various facilities.
        rection wasn’t that difficult for   “Fortunately, I was able to get   represent developers that are   In addition to the cats they
        Whitney. “I had watched far too  a position at the law firm that   actually very intent on mitigat-  foster, Whitney has a dog and
        much Law and Order episodes   I'm at now, Sheppard Mullin   ing any impacts they have, and   two cats of their own. “We ac-
        and I hate to admit that this   Richter & Hampton LLP, in   actually they are doing what   tually use our animals to teach
        likely played a part in why I   their land use division. Even   they can to help further sustain,   the fostered kittens boundaries,
        chose law school after realizing   during the recession, they had a   protect, and conserve the natu-  and also make them what we
        being a veterinarian wouldn't   lot of ongoing projects that kept   ral environment around us.”  call ‘Bulletproof,’ So, regardless

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