Page 49 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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Women of Distinction
of the home they go into, they “I think mentorships are
are used to other cats and dogs, incredibly important. And I
thereby helping to get them think just about any attorney
adopted into homes with other that you talk to would recog-
pets already in residence.” nize that mentoring, to a certain
Besides the day to day extent, got them to where they
work that Whitney does for are today. We have mentorship
her firm, she also spends time programs with various groups
lobbying for her clients. "Part within the Southern California
of our representation of our region. In addition, many of our
clients is to speak directly with attorneys mentor through their
the Planning Commission staff, alma mater law school. They
Planning Commissioners, City will often mentor law students
Council staff and Councilmem- that want to enter the same area
bers, and the Board of Super- of law or gain entrance into the
visors on the county levels, to San Diego legal community.
advocate our client’s projects. Many of our attorneys recog-
We encourage them to see the nize the importance and are
benefit of these projects so they willing to step up and help a
will vote for their approval.” new lawyer. I think that work-
Whitney is a large advo- ing with a mentor gets you a
cate for being involved in her real-life glimpse into what prac-
community. She serves on the ticing law is about. It's not just Photos Courtesy of Whitney Hodges
Board of Directors for YWCA what you see on Suits or Law
and also serves as the General and Order. I think internships
Counsel for the San Diego Re- are important and I recom-
gional Chamber of Commerce. mend them as well since you
“Giving back is so important as can gain some real experience
it is planting roots in the com- to utilize after you have passed
munity of which you are a part.” the bar and are looking for your Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP, anyone we take on at our firm
Since Whitney’s field of law first position in the field.” the first thing I want to know is realize that the world is a lot
is one that is not as common as The other thing to keep in can I get along with this person. bigger than just they are and
some, I asked her if she would mind is that landing that po- As a lawyer you have to work that they are actually looking to
be willing to guide our readers sition with a law firm that you long hours, so when I interview do good in their community. So
as to how to get into a similar really desire is not only about a candidate, I want to be sure even if a prospective candidate
area of law, if they too want to grades and the knowledge you that the candidate can get along coming into our firm for an
make a difference for our envi- attained in school, “When I in- with the other lawyers in our interview doesn't have the best
ronment and the beautification terview candidates at USC Law, office. Is that person someone internship, but has volunteered
of California. for positions here at Sheppard who can fit in and be one of the at various places within the
team? So, as an interviewing community, to me, that almost
lawyer, you need to work on means more. We can teach you
being engaging. This requires the skills necessary to be a part
working not only on your IQ of our firm during our summer
but your EQ as well. internship program, and you
I also believe that young will be constantly learning at
attorneys or young law stu- Sheppard Mullin Richter &
dents need to be engaged in Hampton LLP, and constantly
their community. Being an learning as you gain more expe-
attorney is not just about the rience as an attorney, but show
almighty dollar, it’s about me that you're trying to make
making a difference. You can this community and this world
make that difference because a better place, that means a lot
of your education, experience, to me and I know it means a lot
and training. It is critical that to the firm.”
To learn more about Whitney Hodges visit