Page 54 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 54

I know most of my articles have       At 5 years old Lyssa was diagnosed
        been about kids with amazing sport   with ADD, (Attention deficit disorder)
        ability, however this time I thought I   This is a neurological disorder that caus-
        would change things up and do a piece   es a range of behavior problems such as
        on a very talented local artist who lives   difficulty attending to instruction, fo-
        in Poway.                           cusing on schoolwork, keeping up with
           Her name is Lyssa Ballard she is   assignments, following instructions,
        a senior this year and goes to Poway   completing tasks and social interaction,
        High School. She is in the AVID pro-  (according to WebMD). Lyssa has never
        gram, which helps kids get on track for   been medicated for this disorder mak-
        college. Lyssa has taken an online sum-  ing academics a struggle always.

        Lyssa Ballard                                                            nity service. She tells me her dream is
                                                                                 to become a freelance illustrator/con-
                                                                                 cept artist for Disney, DreamWorks or
                                                                                 Cartoon Network. She also states that
                                                                                 AVID has given her the tools she needs
                                                                                 to succeed for public speaking and
                                    By Nini Hodge                                taking responsibility and preparing her
                                                                                 for the real world.
                                                                                    Lyssa is a funny and sweet person
        mer course with the Academy of Art      She states that she loves helping   who I had the pleasure of meeting and
        University for Illustration, this is her   others and has received a certificate of   interviewing. I get to meet so many
        dream school, which is located in San   recognition for outstanding commu-  cool kids all while doing what I love.
        Francisco, Ca. She will also be applying                                 Lyssa has 1 younger sister who lives at
        to a long list of UC’s and CSU’s.                                        home, Tyra, who is in the 8th grade,
           One of her goals is to turn in her                                    same as me, and 2 older siblings,
        art portfolio to the College Board                                       Brandon who attends UCI and is 23
        hoping to receive some scholarships                                      and Bryanna who is 22 and attends
        and recognition for her artwork and                                      Portland State University. She has the
        illustrations. He current class schedule                                 support of her loving parents Emily
        is quite full and includes an AP Studio                                  and Shawn, who both work hard to
        art class, she also tells me she has been                                provide a loving home for the two who
        in the visual arts program pretty much                                   are still at home. I had the pleasure of
        since her first day in high school.                                      interviewing her in her beautiful home,
           At the end of her junior year she                                     her mom, Mrs. Emily, is really funny
        submitted one of her illustrations into                                  and super sweet, I like her a lot, the
        the Groff Annual Exhibition, which is a                                  energy in the home is so positive and
        collection of the finest high school art in                              uplifting.
        all of San Diego County, it is held at the                                  A fun fact about Lyssa is that she
        San Diego Art Institute in Balboa Park.                                  is obsessed with gardening. Her mom

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