Page 55 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 55

any, many years ago,   make it in the world just   be around when the Torrey
                                               Mthere lived a large   fine. He had to explain a few   pine tree was cut down.
                                               white owl named Simon   things to them though.    Simon got older and
                                               with soft eyes and a strong   He would start by teach-  older and knew that this
                                               beak.                  ing them how to fly.    would be his last winter
                                                  He had made his home   From the tall branches   before the skies opened
                                               in a very old Torrey Pine tree   of the pine tree, he led the   up and brought him home.
                                               that had many large branch-  way down to the roof of   Before he went he told CeCe
                                               es that spread out over   the house. From there, they   and Cisco to never worry
                                               a beautifully landscaped   were off to the field. CeCe   about change.
                                               property called “A county   and Cisco were fast learners!   “Even when I am gone
                                               oasis”.                   But under the moon-  you must remember that my
                                                  From the tree, Simon   light, later that night he had   energy will always surround
                                               could see out far into the   to tell the baby owls that he   you with protection and
                                               orange grove and out past   had heard talk of the tree   wisdom.”
                                               the vineyards but his gaze   being cut down. The tree   Before they knew it,
                                               mostly fell down to the   was outgrowing its space   Simon was gone, leaving
                                               lily ponds, surrounded by   and there was worry that   them to find a new home on
                                               cobblestone walkways.  it might not make it in the   their own.
                                                  There were large Koi   upcoming storms.        They waited for spring
                                                                         “Will the tree just disap-
        basically gave her the whole backyard   fish living in the ponds and   pear?” the babies asked.  before they ventured out
                                               Simon would occasionally
                                                                                              to go tree shopping. Their
        to use as a blank canvas for her suc-  see a Blue Herron bird land   “No, no, the tree is made   wings had gotten very
        culents, she has over 100 plants in the   on the bridge and wait for   of powerful energy and   strong and their beaks very
        backyard that she tends to. Lyssa has   a chance to steal one of the   energy does not disappear.   hard and they knew that
        traveled all over the world and has even   fish for dinner.                           they could choose any tree
                                                  It was a game to him
                                                                                              they desired.
        been to Europe. Lyssa is very quiet but   and when he saw the blue                       “Hey, CeCe”, Cisco said
        very smart, I think she is beautiful!!   Herron arrive he would                       as he stretched his growing
        One of her favorite foods to eat is Mac   swoop down and chase                        wings. Let’s just fly by our
        and cheese with hot dogs, Lyssa also   the bird away. How dare it                     old home and see what
                                                                                              happened with the Torrey
                                               invade his property!
        speaks 2 languages, English and Span-     He loved coming back                        pine tree.”
        ish. Lyssa says she got most of her fun-  to this serene little village                  “It might make me feel
        damental skills from a local art place in   where he had made his                     sad.” said CeCe.
                                                                                                 “Remember Dad said
        Poway, called Little Artists.          home for years. There                          not to feel sad about
                                               seemed to be an endless
           The future looks bright for Lyssa   rodent population with the                     change.”
        Ballard and I’m sure we will be seeing   large fields nearby so there                    So they flew up the
        her art work more frequently.          was always enough to eat.                      hill and were a bit startled
                                                  The Torrey Pine Tree                        when they came to the top
                                               must have been over 100
        Photos Courtesy of Lyssa Ballard       years old and was the tallest
                                               and the biggest tree around   Transitions
                                               for miles. He had watched
                                               the full moon rise from that
                                               tree on many nights.
                                                  Although Simon had                By Dawn Nicoli
                                               many babies with lady owls
                                               over the years, this spring
                                               he came back to A country   It transforms itself into   as they didn’t recognize the
                                               oasis to raise another family   something different.”  property without the long
                                               with a new lady owl.      We never know before-  branches covering it like a
                                                  Simon knew that he was   hand what the transforma-  canopy.
                                               getting older and that this   tion might be, but legend   Instead sat a tree house
                                               time may be the last time he   has it, that it is always   built into the base of the
                                               would have baby owls. The   something even better than   tree, made of bamboo with
                                               two baby survivors were a   it was before.”    a straw roof.
                                               boy and a girl named Cisco   The winds blew the   “It looks like it has a
                                               and CeCe.              leaves through the air and   smiling face,” Said Cece.
                                                  One night, Simon’s lady   the owls settled into their   “I think that has some-
                                               friend did not come home   nest realizing that a change   thing to do with its energy.”
                                               to nest in the big tree.  was coming.          said Cisco.
                                                  A large tear rolled out of   When the machinery   And they looked up in
                                               Simon’s eye as he realized he   and the loud noises came,   the sky because they knew
                                               would have to raise the two   the owl family moved to   their father, Simon, the wise
                                               babies himself. They were   the large oak tree in the   old owl, was looking down
                                               getting strong and healthy   field, down by the old rusty   on them.
                                               and he knew they would   truck. They couldn’t bear to
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