Page 56 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 56



                                   By Gerald Neff

                               Photos Courtesy of Gerald Neff

           My past 50 years of experience in   the beginning for requesting either a large
        Chinese style food from the Orient - includ-  bucket of water or a medium-sized fire
        ing Hong Kong, Taiwan, China proper and   extinguisher, but you can request no spices
        Vietnam- that also exist in Latin America;   please. But that's not so much fun.
        plus the forever take out and home delivery   However, I have settled on one delight-
        of both the warm Szechuan and the milder   ful little place for my repeated culinary
        Cantonese style cuisine that I found in Cali-  outings, both with visitors and family, and
        fornia, have given me a personal opinion: “I   that is the “Sue Thai Om.” Translated means,
        love them all! But some a tad bit more.”   Sue being the gracious owner, Thai the
           While serving in Vietnam, I visited   country of origin, and Om that mysterious
        the neighboring country of Thailand and   blessing sound uttered with respect for
        discovered Thai food. I must admit I was   centuries in both the near and far East.
        not particularly impressed at first with   This restaurant is located on the left side
        the style, It seemed very spicy, and after   of Mission Road and properly marked with
        tasting a myriad of stalls, shops and luxury   a large sign announcing Sue Thai Om. Our   appetizers, all with your choice of either
        restaurants in both Bangkok and Chiang   little restaurant contains just twelve tables,   shrimp, mixed seafood, pork, beef, chicken,
        Mai, I was not convinced.           several which are round for more diners.   or vegan. It's your choice and your taste for
           However, in the past 15 years in   Inside you will find two distinct ambiances,   the order. A wonderful finale is always the
        Southern California, I have discovered and   one with several large paintings and hand   Thai ice cream of typical flavors made right
        sampled a host of Thai restaurants and   drawings of the Buddha flanked by a beau-  on the property. My favorite is Pad Thai
        their appropriate dishes.           tiful lacquered wooden screen, the other   Noodles with shrimp, bean sprouts, green
           I am really becoming a fan of Thai food.  side is overseen by a large stained-glass   onions, ground peanuts, and just a bit of
           Thai food is slightly sweet from the   peacock, a good luck symbol in the East.   fresh mushrooms accompanied with fresh
        coconut milk and peanuts and perhaps   The place is quite agreeable and sim-  ginger. My friends from the Philippines
        a bit of sweetener. But what is ferocious   ple, but the star of the program is the won-  claim their Pad Thai as the most delicious
        is the spicy bite of the food, for burning   derful food. Served hot; right out of the   in the world and it was until Sue’s. You will
        the unsuspecting individual eating these   exotic aromatic smelling kitchen to your   not go away wanting because the portions
        delicacies. When the menu arrives, and the   table with a major precision that is just   are quite ample; containers are available
        waiter asks you to choose from 1 to 10 for   right between specific dishes. Everything   for anything you wish to take home.
        spicy strength, pay attention! You are in for   is great. The menu comprises a delicious   Sue, the owner, is a valiant modern
        a hot spicy ride. Five, in my opinion, being   array of curries, fried rice and assorted   woman, so with little invasion of her per-
                                                                                 sonal life here goes. After a regrettable loss
                                                                                 of finance and her former mate, she was
                                                                                 left out in the cold to start all over again
                                                                                 and in just four short years has recovered
                                                                                 better than ever without male intervention
                                                                                 in her business. Thanks to her strong spirit
                                                                                 and the great help from her friends-fe-
                                                                                 male accomplices- has placed Sue and her
                                                                                 tasty spot on top. Now like the Phoenix
                                                                                 rising from the ashes, our Thai lady is not
                                                                                 only more successful than ever but with a
                                                                                 strong eye for a grand future and is firmly
                                                                                 in charge.
                                                                                   You can visit SUE THAI OM at 1450
                                                                                 Mission Road, in San Marcos, California. For
                                                                                 inquiries or reservations call 760 842 7749.
                                                                                   This is a delightful eating adventure
                                                                                 which I heartily recommend.
                                                                                   Bon Appetit!

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