Page 41 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 41

Women of Distinction

        and I started looking   I learned so much in   retired just one day   the FBI, I have always felt   life including attempting
        around when I spotted   those 8 weeks.  There was  when I received a call   that it was important to   suicide at the age of 12,
        this young man working   training in cyber counter   from Bedrosians Tile   stay true to who you are.   because of the intense
        and I'm like, wow, he's   terrorism, counterintel-  and Stone, asking me if I   If you do this, the rest   bullying she faced after
        cute. One day he'll be my  ligence, sex trafficking,   would consider coming   will happen organically.   coming to this coun-
        husband. At that point I   serial killers, along with   in for an interview to   Stay humble and lead   try.  Her book entitled
        turned to the lady at the   some other very import-  speak with them about   with your heart. That is   “Reach Mindfulness of
        returns desk and I said,   ant areas in which the   coming onboard in an   truly all that matters.  Strength, Wisdom, and
        would you mind giving   FBI is involved.  Once I   executive role.  I didn’t   Diana is such a   Courage,” includes a
        me an application? I   finished the classes, I was  plan on going back to   positive force it is almost   powerful message that
        would like to fill one out.  asked if I wanted to work   work, but I was intrigued,   hard to believe the   we all need to hear. Visit
        And the only reason I did  with the actual board. I   so I decided to take the   many struggles she has and order
        so was to see if I could   began as vice president   interview to hear what   endured throughout her   your copy today.
        stay there a little bit   of operations and have   they had to say.  It only
        longer to catch the eye   now been promoted   took me a short time
        of this young man.  So, I   to CEO.  We do a lot of   after meeting Larry
        filled out the application,  recruiting events for   Bedrosian, the owner
        but didn’t manage to   the FBI. We do diversity   of this family business,
        catch his attention. The   events. We educate the   to realize that I needed
        next day, the Human   community on topics   to say yes, and knew I
        Resources department   that we learned in our 8   could help this company
        called me and asked if   weeks of study.”   become even more suc-
        I would come in for an   It fascinated me hear-  cessful than they already
        interview.  At that point,   ing about this position   were.  The hardest part
        I still had no intension   with the FBI, and that   was coming home and
        of leaving my job, but   citizens are welcome   telling my husband that
        thought I might have a   to apply for this liaison   the six-month sojourn
        chance to see this young  program, of course they   to Italy would have to
        man again, who I still be-  must first pass an exten-  be postponed.  I did and
        lieved would one day be   sive background screen-  although he was not
        my husband, so I said yes.   ing and take the required  thrilled at first, he under-
        When I learned about the  classes.  Diana’s volunteer  stood when I explained
        job and the great pay,   work takes up a lot of her  how I felt. Today Diana
        they were offering, I took  time, but she loves every   holds the title of COO
        the job.  Two weeks after  minute.         and President of Bedro-
        I started my job at Home   A few months back   sians Tile and Stone.
        Depot, the cute guy   Diana decided that it   I asked Diana what
        asked me out on our first  was time to retire and   it was that she believed
        date and today he is my   enjoy some quality time   accounted for her
        husband.”  Diana and Paul  with her husband.  They   success.  “Follow your
        have now been married   planned a six-month trip   passion and always strive
        23 years and have one   to Italy, among other   to be better at whatever
        son Dyllan.          destinations.  Diana   you do.  Help to make
           As if Diana’s job with   spent weeks prior to   the people around you
        Home Depot did not   leaving Home Depot,   better as well.  I always
        keep her busy enough,   saying goodbye to all her  believe that if I help
        she has another passion   wonderful friends that   develop the people that
        as well. She is actually   she had accumulated   work with me and help
        a member of the FBI   over the past 26 years.    build them up, then
        Citizen’s Academy Asso-  She had enrolled in some  they will push me up,
        ciation. She serves as an   classes that she could   and make me better in
        ambassador for the FBI   take online to obtain her   return and this always
        out in the community.  “I   coaching certification,   proved true and helped
        was so excited to learn   a retirement career she   me get to the next level.
        about this opportunity,   hoped to pursue.  Un-  Even today in what I do,
        so I jumped right in and   fortunately, the universe   either through my work
        took the 8-week course.    had other plans.  “I was   or my volunteer work at

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