Page 37 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 37
Nadia Mondragon the programs she creates for her clients.
“I love being able to combine my knowl-
edge of medicine with my knowledge of
Nadia at first worked in gyms but
Helping You Achieve Your Fitness Goals soon realized that she could not accom-
plish what she wanted in those settings,
Photos by Dawn Nicoli/Nicoli Productions so, she started Steady Body Boss. Nadia
now has both personal and corporate
clients who rely on her to help them
Nadia Mondragon was born and achieve their health and fitness goals.
raised in Chihuahua Mexico, always “A lot of my clients are very busy
dreaming of becoming a doctor Nadia executives who can’t find the time to
studied medicine at the University Au- go to a gym to work out, so I come to
tonomous of Juarez Chihuahua, achiev- them. There are also those who dislike
ing her dream and becoming a doctor in gyms because they feel intimidated or
2004. self-conscious in a gym setting.” Nadia
Nadia met and subsequently married does one-on-one training, couples
a fellow student while in medical school. training, and small group training. I
She temporarily put her career on hold asked her what she loved most about
to support her marriage and raise her what she does. "Seeing the excitement
children. When her marriage ended in of my clients when they see the results
divorce, Nadia needed a way to support they could never achieve before. Going it
her children and decided she would go alone is tough and confusing. I educate
back to her previous passion for fitness them not only on what they need to do,
and sports. She went on to obtain her but why they need to do it.”
education and degree to become a Nadia starts her training telling her
fitness instructor, personal trainer, and clients that she is not going to make any
fitness and wellness coach. drastic changes. “On my first meeting
Nadia had been a semiprofessional with a new client, the first thing I tell
athlete. “I was a runner; my main event them is ‘Don't worry. I'm not going to
was the 800 meters team competition change anything in your diet.’ The look of
relay of 4 by 400 meters. I also competed new direction. “I love what I do and can relief is predictable, but then I add, 'you
in the 1500 meters and pole vaulting.” approach my business with a wealth are the one who is going to change it
In 2013, Nadia graduated from of knowledge because of my medical and I'm going to teach you how to do it
Southwestern College, having studied to training.” the right way.’”
become a personal trainer. She obtained At some point Nadia hopes to become For many clients, it often means
her national certification as a person- licensed as a physician in the U.S., but for just some small changes that can work
al trainer by the National Academy of now with two small children, the expense wonders in getting them to achieve the
Sports Medicine in 2014. A strong believ- and time needed must take a backseat to results they desire. “Once you educate
er in education and training, she went spending time and supporting her chil- people about why their body is not
on to obtain additional certification from dren. Nadia loves being a resource to her responding to what they are doing, even
NASM as a Corrective Exercise Specialist clients, leading them in the right direction though in some cases they are dieting
and another certification as a Weight in both nutrition and exercise. excessively, and exercising religiously,
Management Specialist. Nadia also ob- “I started out training people and it is like a light goes off and they finally
tained a certificate in stress management found I had a calling for this career. I had get it.”
from the Power of Calm Institute. clients who tried for years to get in shape Everyone is unique so those fad diets,
Today, Nadia is the founder and CEO on their own and they were just so frus- or even traditional diets, will not always
of Steady Body Boss, where she utilizes trated because they weren’t getting the work on everyone. I don’t have a one size
her expertise as a personal trainer, physi- results they desired. Once I took them on fits all plan for my clients. I start off by lis-
cian, and group exercise instructor. Nadia as clients, they were reaching their goals tening to my clients and getting to know
focuses on nutrition coaching, weight and thrilled with the results.” them before I can create a program that
loss, strength training, wellness, sports When you become a client of Nadia’s, will work for them. My approach is very
injury, weightlifting, mobility, sleep issues, you are getting more expertise than you personal and tailored to each individual.
bodybuilding, and rehabilitation. would get from someone who is only Nadia works with several local cor-
Having started her career as a trained in fitness & nutrition. With Nadia, porations putting together programs of
physician, I asked her if she enjoyed her you get an expert in the science behind movement for employees. Being able