Page 33 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 33

Women of Distinction

        having to learn to handle animal law cases   ery morning with a purpose, then it makes  to know this is if they are interested in
        with no other attorney to ask as there was   your day better and makes you feel more   pursuing their passion in life, then there
        no other law firm precedent, however,   fulfilled as a woman.”           will be doors that will try to close. There
        before long she developed a successful   Suzana has many types of cases   will be naysayers, people that might say
        practice and one with a list of happy   involving animals however, the one that   you can't do it. You shouldn't do it. Listen
        endings saving animal lives and in favor of   gives her the most satisfaction is when she   to yourself. I have found that my intuition
        advancing the rights of animals.    saves an animal’s life. She fights against   has guided me well and led me to the
           Ironically, Suzanna laments that she   some of the worst atrocities, such as some   path where I am now. Always follow your
        wasn’t allowed to get her own dog until   animal shelters that just place animals in   passion.
        she was 16. Prior to that, when she was   pens and don’t walk them or care for them   Suzana is happy to see that some states
        a child, her first dog, George, a feisty   properly and then put them down if they   are changing their laws to support No Kill
        Chihuahua was not allowed to stay in   fail to be adopted. “When I'm able to save   in animal shelters. She suggests to anyone
        her dwelling unit as her building did not   those animals from euthanasia, then that's   looking for a pet to consider going to shel-
        allow pets. Fortunately, her mother found   very gratifying work as I see each one as   ters or rescues before thinking about going
        George a loving home, but this injustice   an individual.”               to breeders. There are so many wonderful
        fueled inside her for a long time. Years   Suzana referred to one case where she   pets that are waiting for loving homes.
        later, when Suzana was in the hospital   saved a 2-year-old horse whose owner was   A current project that Suzana is
        with pneumonia and German measles,   going to put the beautiful horse down be-  working on is completion of her upcom-
        her mother asked what she wanted when   cause the animal was lame and she could   ing book which focuses on the emotional,
        she got better. Expecting her to say a car,   no longer ride the horse. Suzana searched   spiritual and biological bond that we
        as would most 16-year-olds, or even a trip   out and found a rescue that took the horse   share with animals. She says “It is a call to
        to some exotic location, Suzana surprised   and would give it a forever home.  action book written for animal lovers of all

                                                                                                                     Photos by Lily Markovic

        her mother and said, “I told my mother   Suzana and her husband Peter, who   ages. It has a mainstream appeal and gives
        that I wanted a dog and nothing else.   is a surgeon, have two children, Andrew   readers my perspective as an animal rights
        Mom drove me to the pet store the day I   13 and Brad 11, and share their home   attorney and an animal rights advocate. I
        left the hospital, and I ended up adopting   with three furry friends: Lily, a beauti-  provide readers with insight on the cur-
        a sweet Papillion dog named Sasha. I was   ful German Sheppard dog, Freddie, an   rent situation with animal rights and prog-
        so excited. He lived until he was almost   adorable miniature Poodle dog, and a   ress made, but also the inconsistency in
        20 years of age.” After I got married, we   cool cat named Jackson, that puts up with   how we treat animals, the disposability of
        rescued a dog, a charming Pomeranian   the dogs. They love their life in Canada,   their lives, and what we can do to change
        named Charlie, and he became my best   but after living in California during her   the system for them. It makes readers
        furry friend and beloved companion for   husband’s medical training, they hope to   think about what they can do to help give
        almost 16 years.”                   come back to San Diego to retire one day   voice to animals instead of simply turning
           I asked Suzana if she was seeing big   or at least have a vacation home there.   a blind eye. My book gives readers hope
        changes in animal rights laws. “We realize   I asked Suzana for any words of wis-  and provides them with an action plan.”
        that animals also have feelings, thoughts,   dom that she could share with our readers.   Watch for an upcoming feature on
        and emotions. And so, I do think the tide   “I'd want them to know that they should   Suzana’s book. I know I can’t wait to read
        is turning in a positive way.”      never take no for an answer. I like to think   it! If you would like to be notified when
           After speaking with Suzana, it is clear   I'm positive and determined to make a   Suzana’s book is available for purchase,
        how strong her passion is for animals. “I   difference in the world. I truly believe the   contact her through her website: www.
        love what I do, and I truly believe that if   adage that when one door closes anoth- and you can subscribe
        you pursue your passion and wake up ev-  er one opens. The reason I want them   to her blogs.

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