Page 30 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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Women of Distinction
Meghan Parsons truly program. It was one of the best you start. They give you an especially if the topic they spoke
believes that there was divine decisions I ever made.” opportunity to experience the on was one I knew would help
intervention when it came Meghan continued working program for a year, and then you me grow in my career.”
time to make a very important at CPC Strategy, who was also can decide once you learn about Halfway through the MBA
decision regarding her future. extremely supportive of her deci- the different options available. program, Meghan got a great
Meghan had only been married sion to earn her MBA, they even Due to the influence of my class- job offer and ended up going
about a year and was working at wrote recommendations to PLNU mates and the influence of my to work for Roadrunner Sports
a company called CPC Strategy. to sing her praises. Meghan professors, I decided to shift my managing web acquisition for
“The growth of the company in registered for the Evening MBA focus. I knew I would be a good their e-commerce department.
a very short amount of time was program for working profes- project manager, but realized I Thanks to my MBA training, I was
astounding. When I started work- sionals at Point Loma Nazarene had more passion for entrepre- qualified as a digital marketing
ing for them, I was their 25th hire, University. neurship.” expert, and that is something of
within 3 years I was one of over which I am very proud.
100 employees.” This position As Meghan progressed
spurred a passion in Meghan to through the MBA program
learn all she could about digital the benefits and skills she was
marketing. She discussed it with taking away were obvious to
her husband, and she made the those around her, especially her
decision that if she was going to husband. “I brought him to so
be the best she could be in this many Point Loma MBA events as
field, she needed to go back to my guest, that when he finished
school and earn her MBA. “Since his undergraduate degree he
we were newly married and just decided to follow in my footsteps
starting our life together, I knew and applied to the MBA program
my going back to school would at Point Loma. Actually, the very
be tough for a new marriage and next week after I graduated in
our finances, but he was so sweet 2018, he started his journey at
and super supportive and knew PLNU.”
how important it was to me, so With two busy careers, the
he gave me every bit of support I couple manage to find time to
could hope for.” travel together. Meghan’s Dad
Meghan did some research is from Denmark and still lives
and found that there was an MBA there, so they often visit him and
info night at Point Loma Naza- then explore different cities with
rene University, and she decided each visit.
to attend. “Right out of college Photo Courtesy of Meghan Parsons “Point Loma Nazarene has
I had a job working for the San been so much a part of our lives
Diego Padres selling season and is responsible for the career
tickets, when it came time for successes that we have both
the graduates to talk about their had along the way. I strongly
experiences in the PLNU MBA recommend their MBA program
program an ex co-worker from to anyone who is in search of a
the Padres ended up being one great education at a great school
of the presenters. I hadn’t seen with great professors.”
him in years. I had admired the Meghan Parsons Aside from Meghan’s full-
work he did and his work ethic time job, she takes the time to
when we were at the Padres. Af- help educate others through
ter hearing about his experiences workshops at Point Loma in her
at PLNU and speaking with him, I Digital Marketing Master areas of expertise, particularly in
was extremely impressed by the running Facebook Ads, Google
program.” Ads, and Search Engine Optimi-
“I’m a devout Christian, a “I started out majoring in Meghan admits the program zation for eCommerce field and
fact of which I am very proud, project management, some- was challenging, especially work- lead generation. All very import-
so having the info night occur thing that's very practical and ing full time and having a new ant skills to have in the workforce
when I was searching for an it's something that I felt would home and husband, but she real- today.
MBA program and then run- prepare me for running teams, ized that she would get out of it
ning into someone I respected managing a lot of moving parts, what she put into it, so she gave For more information on
recommending this program and being the type of leader, I it her all and flourished. “I put a Meghan go to:
to me, made me feel as if God hoped to become. One of the lot of work into it. I asked a lot of
was entering my life and telling greatest parts of the MBA pro- questions, I didn’t skip class, and
me that this was what I needed gram at PLNU is that you don’t when we had a guest speaker, I For information on the MBA
to do. So, I talked about it with have to officially decide what would make it a practice to con- programs at Point Loma Naza-
my husband and enrolled in the your concentration will be when nect with them after the class, rene visit: