Page 28 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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Women of Distinction
earth and the sufferings of humans in families and are responsible for raising minimum of three visits. Since 1999, I
different impoverished areas. It made me future generations. “Cervical cancer have dedicated my own time and money
really sad to witness other women living should not kill a single woman, because it on studying the problem and searching
this way. So, I started to think about how can be detected early with a test known as for a solution. After many iterations,
I could eliminate some of the suffering. a colposcopy. This procedure is generally consulting with other experts in the field,
I know it sounds lofty to think that one performed when a pap smear comes back and my hands-on patient experiences, I
person could play a role in such a massive abnormal. The problem exists because the created a solution. My patent was recently
task, but in my mind it’s fully possible. field of colposcopy has not advanced since published for a single use kit to not only
For me, it took giving up on the concept its inception in 1945.” The current method diagnose cervical precancer or cancer, but
of having a full-time private practice and is highly inaccurate in screening for pre- also to offer a low cost and non-invasive
transitioning from being an eight to five cancerous tissue on the female cervix. method of treatment for precancer all in a
doctor, to becoming a global physician. The facts are mindboggling when you single visit. The creation is the foundation
Although there was little financial gain consider that the culprit is the HPV virus, for my company Moein Health, a non-
to be had, I knew it was time to make the and 8 out of 10 individuals in the world profit organization.”
leap and move forward with my initial who are sexually active have HPV. It is the This single use kit, known as Col-
desire to help eradicate suffering wherever number one sexually transmitted disease poKit, addresses a critical public health is-
possible.” in the world. It is a silent killer because a sue in countries like India where medical
person can have it yet show no symptoms. instruments used during the screening ex-
It can infect the cervix, vagina, vulva, ams, such as the speculum, are frequently
anus and oral cavity. There is a vaccine not being sterilized properly between
for it, which has been available to the uses, causing further spread of HPV from
public between the ages of 9-26, and only one patient to another. With her patented
recently (October of 2018) did the Food ColpoKit, the patient can be diagnosed
and Drug administration approved the and treated in the same visit. The Col-
use for people up to age 45. The problem poKit includes all the necessary diagnos-
is that with the vaccine alone, it will still tic and treatment tools and solutions. The
take over 50 years before the disease can diagnostic portion involves covering the
be eradicated. female cervix with a mixture of vinegar
In May 2018, WHO announced a call and fluorescein sodium. Then, with the
to action, expanding the UN Global Joint simple use of a flashlight pointed at the
Program on Cervical Cancer Prevention area, the cancerous tissue (if present) will
and Control to expand their partnership glow a fluorescent greenish yellow color.
Photo Courtesy of Dr. Sudabeh Moein to include anyone and everyone who can The affected tissue is then biopsied and
help reach their goal of global elimination the entire cervix is treated with a topical
Dr. Moein could have continued her of cervical cancer. In September 2018, Dr. application of Trichloroacetic Acid, result-
personal passion as a robotic surgeon in Moein presented a lecture for the WHO, ing in completion of both the diagnosis
the field of Gynecology, however, made introducing her solution, and it was met and treatment of precancerous tissue. This
the difficult conscious decision to pursue with high praise among the audience of kit can be used anywhere since it requires
her work and research in women’s health cervical cancer screening experts. no electricity, making it highly effective
on a global and altruistic level. Dr. Moein knew there had to be a bet- for use in remote villages in rural areas
After witnessing first-hand, the anti- ter way, and she has found, documented, around the globe. The fluorescein sodium
quated methods used in India and looking and is pursuing the implementation of solution is very safe, having been used
at the statistics for women’s health, she it. “My passion is eradicating death from in the field of Ophthalmology since the
realized that she might have an answer. “I cervical cancer. My goal is to bring aware- 1800s. Dr. Moein has been an advocate in
have a passion to join the effort in elimi- ness to women, eliminate the concepts of standardizing this method of cervical can-
nating death from cervical cancer in low shame for having a sexually transmitted cer detection both in the US and globally.
to middle-income countries. I have had disease, and for them to pay attention to She is currently applying for an NIH grant
the privilege of working with the World an abnormal pap smear because it may for her phase 3 clinical research. There are
Health Organization (WHO), in the sec- indicate that they have the precancer a few other doctors in India and Mexico
tion of International Agency for Research tissue which can lead to cervical cancer. who are using Fluorescein sodium for
on Cancer (IARC) for the past four years, The solution is to not only have a low-cost screening of cervical, oral, and breast can-
with the emphasis on India. India has the method for every woman to be screened, cer, and use of TCA for topical treatment
largest number of deaths from cervical but once tissue abnormality is discov- of cervical precancer.
cancer. Every two minutes, one woman ered, the patient needs to be immediately Dr. Moein was honored with a
on earth dies of cervical cancer. These are treated in areas where access and follow lifetime achievement award in India in
mainly women in their forties and fifties up are difficult. Currently, this diagnos- December of 2018 for her efforts to help
who have dedicated their lives to their tic and treatment process would take a address cervical cancer screening, and