Page 29 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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Women of Distinction

        as the founder and owner of a company   because I wanted to be more equipped to   It is even being studied for treatment of
        continuing these efforts.           make my patients happier and I continued  breast and prostate cancer. So, lookout for
           There is yet another area that Dr.   my research on bioidentical hormones. At   this amazing new bioidentical hormone,
        Moein is passionate about and that is hor-  that time, I realized that the current hor-  which may be the answer for many wom-
        mones. Having treated not only pregnant   mone that we used for women, Estradiol   en struggling with hormone issues.”
        women, but young girls, and the elderly,   with progesterone for birth control pills   As for the breast cancer patients
        she has seen the havoc that hormones   and also for menopausal women, had var-  who also suffer from severe menopausal
        can play on a women’s body. She has long   ious risk factors which were very serious.   symptoms, please follow Dr. Bennink’s
        been an advocate of bioidentical hormone   A study years earlier, in 2002, had scared   work and clinical trials on the treatment
        treatment and the amazing changes that   off not only women but physicians who   with high dose Estetrol aiming to achieve
        a woman can experience once she can get   tend to err on the side of caution, and   the Pantarehi’s concept of “Dual Efficacy”
        her hormone levels back in balance.   women were finding no help when they   therapy of women with advanced breast
           The word hormone has often brought   explained their hormone related issues to   cancer. Dual Therapy refers to both an an-
        fear to women, since in the past, studies   physicians.”                 ti-tumor effect and effective improvement
        have shown a connection with hormones                                    of patient’s severs menopausal symptoms
        and breast cancer, blood clots, and                                      due to her therapy.
        strokes. “Early in my practice, the number                                  So, what is the next move for Dr.
        two topic on my mind became hormone                                      Moein? She is currently enjoying her
        balancing, especially for menopausal                                     two adorable 10-month-old twins, Parsa
        women. Hormone imbalance could be a                                      Keramat Moein and Ariana Sudi Moein.
        problem for all human beings, but pri-                                   As to her profession, Dr. Moein has two
        marily women, and the problems can oc-                                   passions to pursue - - The worldwide
        cur from birth to death. There are critical                              launch of Moein Health’s patented Col-
        times in our lives that we truly suffer from                             poKit with its goal of eradicating death
        hormonal fluctuations, sometimes too                                     from cervical cancer in women. This is
        much, other times too little. Hormones                                   a global initiative that will in very fact
        affect all aspects of our lives, our moods,                              ‘change the world’ for millions of women.
        our thinking, sexual desires and function,   Photo Courtesy of Dr. Sudabeh Moein  And ... - Maintaining her base belief in
        and external factors such as our physique,                               being ‘hands on’ with patients daily in her
        skin, hair, and nails. Those critical times   Dr. Moein did even more extensive   office offering the state of the art clinical
        for a woman are when they first start   research on hormones and went back to   care to women in the US. She recently
        menstruating, when they become preg-  her professors at UCLA and found noth-  joined forces with Dr. Shashita Inamdar
        nant, during the postpartum period, and   ing more advanced than what she was   of Achieve Medical Center to bring her
        at the time of menopause.”          prescribing.                         extensive knowledge of hormone therapy
           Over the years Dr. Moein has given   As always, Dr. Moein is not satisfied   to their state-of-the art medical center.
        many lectures to the community in order   with the status quo and continues to do   “The treatments that are being done for
        to evaluate her communities’ needs. She   research on all the latest and greatest   postpartum depression at Achieve are
        immediately discovered that a lot of   treatments to help her patients.   groundbreaking, and I am extremely hon-
        women are silent about their menopausal   “Three years ago, while I was do-  ored to be able to work with Dr. Inamdar.
        symptoms and even if they seek help, they   ing a literature search on Bioidentical   She has an incredible staff of top doctors
        don’t get much relief from the current   hormones, I read about a brand-new   in San Diego and I am thrilled to work
        treatment options available in modern   hormone called Estetrol (E4) which was   beside them. I look forward to adding
        medicine. She became very open-minded   developed by Dr. Herjan Coelingh Ben-  yet another element to the wonderful
        and began educating herself on alterna-  nink, who lives in Holland. He is the CEO   practice that they have in place.” We will
        tives. “I started learning about bioidenti-  of Pantarhei Bioscience, founded in 2001.   hear much of Dr. Moein in the future. We
        cal hormones and I began training myself   I made an appointment and went to see   salute her!
        in integrative and holistic medicine.   him in Holland to discuss this new hor-
        Simultaneously, Dr. Guarneri had started   mone. I was extremely impressed with the   •  For more information or to contact
        the Academy of Integrative and Holis-  findings. This new bioidentical hormone   Dr. Sudabeh Moein email her at
        tic medicine and I signed up. I took the   mimics the hormone that is secreted by
        board exam and became board certified   the fetus to the mother during pregnancy   •  To learn more about Dr. Moein’s
        in that area, solely because I wanted to   which protects her from breast cancer.   mission and progress you can visit
        be able to offer comprehensive care to   The patent on Estetrol was recently sold
        women who were suffering from hormone  to the Belgian company, Mithra, and is   •  Click on the link to view her Lifetime
        imbalances.”                        expected to be on the market in 2020. It   Achievement Award
           “Becoming board certified in integra-  will be used as a birth control pill and for
        tive and holistic medicine was really only   premenopausal and menopausal women.

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