Page 26 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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Women of Distinction

        cortex, which means they are a dopamine   One of the latest treatments for postpar-  at the mall to help them pick out an outfit to
        craver. Dopamine cravers constantly need new   tum is available at Achieve. It is a medicine   help raise their self-esteem.
        projects, they have a hard time asking for help,   called ZULRESSO™, an intravenous infusion   Dr. Inamdar works with a network of pre-
        so often they crash. These individuals benefit   that is continuous for 60 hours (2 ½ days).   ferred providers, these are people she trusts in
        greatly from TMS, yoga, and meditation be-  Patients can only receive this at a ZULRES-  the community. This includes Scripps doctors
        cause all of these increase dopamine in your   SO™REMS (Risk Evaluation and Mitigation   and especially Scripps PIMC, which is Scripps
        prefrontal cortex. The majority of the world’s   Strategy) certified Healthcare center, of which   concierge or private internal medicine group.
        population are Val/Val.             Achieve is one. Patients stay in a private suite   “I also work with the local public and private
           They can also measure your serotonin re-  with medical personnel on hand to attend to   schools to create educational plans, which
        ceptor, which tells them if you are more or less   any side effects or other needs of the patient.   are geared towards the special needs of the
        likely to gain weight with a particular medicine   The results for this treatment have been amaz-  children in our community.”
        that may be prescribed. This helps the physician   ing and long lasting, so upon completion of   Dr. Inamdar’s Concierge Program has drawn
        choose between care options. One other   the 60-hour infusion, no additional medica-  so much acclaim for the work that they do that
        fascinating fact that I learned from Dr. Inamdar   tions are needed.     they often have individuals who will travel to
        is that there is an alcoholism gene, a cocaine                           La Jolla from places as far away as Australia,
        gene, and a marijuana gene. So, this form of                             Norway, Bangladesh, London, and Saudi Arabia
        testing lets you know if you have the propensity                         in order to obtain comprehensive evaluations.
        towards addiction and provides the warning                                 Many of us are fearful of testing new and
        that you need to avoid them at all costs, as you                         innovative procedures for fear that they won’t
        will probably suffer an addictive response.                              work, or will make our condition worse, but
           The other aspect is that pharmacokinetics                             if not for doctors like Shashita Inamdar and
        indicates whether you are a slow metabolizer,                            her amazing staff in a variety of disciplines so
        a fast metabolizer, or an ultra-rapid metab-                             many people would still be suffering in silence.
        olizer. If you're an ultra-rapid metabolizer,                              Achieve TMS has recently announced that
        you're churning through medication and so                                they have joined forces with Greenbrook TMS
        this helps your physician decide upon proper                             Neuro Health Centers as a subsidiary. Green-
        dosage. An ultra-rapid metabolizer will metab-                           brook is the largest and most experienced TMS
        olize medications three times faster, so some                            provider in the country with over 100 centers
        medications won’t work, unless prescribed in a                           nationwide.
        much higher dosage in order to be effective.                               Dr. Inamdar and her husband Dr. Manish
           As you can see these tests provide your                               Sheth, M.D., PhD, the Clinical Directors for
        physician with tools that were not previously   SPRAVATO™ is a nasal spray used for   Achieve met while in medical school. “He is
        available, and they can now not only find the   treatment-resistant depression (TRD) in adults.   one of the smartest people I know, and I think
        proper medication and dosage but can pre-  SPRAVATO™ is taken in conjunction with a daily   that is critical to have a partner who is so
        vent prescribing medications that will simply   oral antidepressant. The patient can administer   secure in himself, and so smart that he encour-
        not work for you.                   SPRAVATO™ under the supervision of a health-  ages and supports me in everything I do.” They
           After they complete these tests, your phy-  care professional at a certified REMS facility. In   are the very proud parents of three boys, their
        sician can decide what customized treatment   studies, SPRAVATO™ has been found to reduce   oldest Sahil is 21, and a senior at Berkeley who
        plan will be successful for you. It could be a   depression symptoms after just four weeks.  is planning to follow in his parent’s footsteps
        combination of talk therapy, Cognitive-Be-  As a full-service concierge practice,   and study medicine. Krish, 16 years old, is a
        havioral Therapy, or even EMDR, which is a   Achieve helps children, teens and adults. They   junior at Bishop’s School in La Jolla and abso-
        psychotherapy that enables people to heal   even have therapists on staff that help teen-  lutely loves crew and Kabir, 14 years old is an
        from the symptoms and emotional distress   agers with organizational and time manage-  eighth grader also at Bishop’s.
        that result from disturbing life experiences.   ment, including Learn to Learn programs and   More than anything, Dr. Inamdar values
        EMDR therapy shows that the mind can in fact   programs specializing in eating disorders and   the quality time she gets to spend with her
        heal from psychological trauma much as the   hormone therapy. Dr. Inamdar only surrounds   family. She also loves traveling and tries to
        body recovers from physical trauma.  herself with those in the top of their field and   make it a point to add on an extra day when-
           They also utilize the BrainMaster, an EEG   so every practitioner who is part of Achieve   ever she travels for a conference or business.
        treatment that is a form of brain wave training   has been hand-picked by her, giving her a staff   She loves visiting new places and loves hiking.
        that teaches the brain skills through reinforce-  of highly acclaimed and recognized physi-  Oh, and let’s not forget her love of race car
        ment and inhibition with auditory and visual   cians, naturopathic doctors, physicians who   driving, Dr. Inamdar takes any opportunity she
        information.                        specialize in hormone treatment, psychiatrists,   can to get behind the wheel of a race car or at-
           What it truly comes down to as to the suc-  psychologist, therapists, dieticians/nutritionist,   tend a car show, she laughingly admits, I have
        cess of any of the procedures available through   acupuncturist, hyperbaric oxygen therapists,   to sometimes drag my husband along, since I
        Achieve and Achieve TMS is having the right   and personal trainers. It is clearly a center that   am truly the car enthusiast in the family, but I
        diagnosis. Dr. Inamdar makes certain that all   treats the patient as a whole.  remind him that I have to take my own advice
        factors are considered before they decide upon   As proof of their belief of helping patients   and take time out for myself, and this certainly
        treatment. As with their use of TMS and the var-  on their own terms members of Achieve have   does bring me joy.
        ious other available treatment protocols they   had medical personnel do in home visits, a
        always remain on the cutting edge of medical   phlebotomist that travels to a patient’s home   For more information on Achieve Concierge
        treatment, sharing with their patients the latest   if their anxiety prohibits coming to their office.   and Achieve TMS contact them at
        and greatest medically proven solutions to   Sometimes it is difficult to get their teenage   858 221-0344 or visit their website at
        their problems. Two prime examples include   patients to feel comfortable in an office thera- or email them
        treatments for postpartum depression and   py setting, so members of Achieve have gone   at or
        treatment resistant depression.     to spin classes with them or even shopping

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