Page 21 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 21
Women of Distinction
draw pictures that they would the kids and just feeling useful, really year. “My life was in turmoil, and
then turn into phone cases that useful.” this caused me to have to postpone
she would sell on her site www. Many people ask Beatrice why some of my plans to move forward This was Peru? Which is a fair question with the charity. However, it gave me
the introduction of the Living Heart with so much need not only in this a clear perspective on how short life
Collection. The Collection includes country but throughout the world. is and how important it is to move
all the drawings from the children “The reason I chose Peru was kind forward with your plans and dreams
of Living Heart Peru, and Beatrice’s of two-fold. One reason is personal. and have balance in your life.
company donates five dollars from When I was searching for a purpose, Today life is good for Beatrice
the sale of each phone case to this Peru allowed me to help. The second and she is loving her work with Living
great cause. reason is that when people think of Heart Peru, she is in talks to turn
It became Beatrice’s purpose in countries that need assistance Peru her experience with her charity into
life to let as many people as possible is rarely one that comes to mind. a television program to help obtain
learn about this great charity. She Peru is a place that it's actually doing even more exposure for her charity “
tried getting them into Google’s pretty well financially; The com- I also plan to travel to great places in
special offering, where they provide munities we help are very high up the world and showcase the beauty,
$10K a month free in search adver- near the Sacred Valley in the Andes but also the areas that are in pover-
tising for nonprofits. Unfortunately, mountains. So, they're marginalized. ty so people gain awareness of the
Peru is not on the list of countries to Nobody is helping them because no- situation globally. In some of these
which they offer this service. Beatrice body realizes that they're even there.” beautiful locations, there are lavish
registered her own charity in Canada
to handle the work being done on
behalf of Living Heart Peru. “We
have a few things in mind, initia-
tives to increase the self-confidence
of these children. One of the plans
is to bring a boxing instructor to
teach these kids how to box. And I
know it sounds crazy, but I started
boxing a couple of years ago and
it really does a lot for self-esteem.
Boxing is an outlet that lets them let
go of whatever they're holding onto
inside, whether it's anger, frustra-
tion, or fear. The other major thing
is helping them to build a library for
the community as well as a home for
abandoned children. Unfortunately,
a lot of children in the communities,
particularly the ones that are born
disabled or with some sort of health This fact resonated with Beatrice resorts and people only minutes away
issue, are abandoned often due to the because oftentimes in her life she has are living in refrigerator boxes unable
fact that the parents just don't know felt invisible. I just want to try to help to feed their babies. We tend to live
what to do. These children are just some of these communities that feel in a bubble, I hope that this show
abandoned on the streets and Living invisible. will burst the bubble a bit and make
Heart will pick them up and take With all of her good intentions, people realize that there is more to life
care of them, but they really need a Beatrice set out building a website than attaining riches. When we leave
home for these kids.” for her new charity in 2017. Amid this planet, we should have made
I asked Beatrice what it was her own emotional distress, changing some impact along the way.”
like the first time she went to Peru. jobs and trying to reevaluate her life's Beatrice’s website has expanded
“The first time I went to Peru, was goals, her father was diagnosed with adding beautiful sneakers and home
unbelievable, I can't describe it, pancreatic cancer, and diagnosed as decor in addition to phone cases.
but it's the first time in my life I felt terminal, he passed away in 2018. Make a difference in a child’s life
complete. I've never been that happy Shortly thereafter, her mom was visit
in my entire life, and I've had some diagnosed with cancer, but thank- and order a case and a $5 donation
great moments in my life, but there fully is cancer free today. Then her will be on its way to Living Heart
was just something about being with grandfather passed away that same Peru.