Page 17 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 17

it has been some of the    You feel our values of Family,
        best training we have ever   Compassion, Commitment,
        provided. It helped our staff   Enthusiasm, Flexibility and
        to learn how to support the   Character from the top to
        people we serve. It taught   the bottom of the organiza-
        us all how to look at things   tion. George C. Lytal is our
        through the lens of trauma   Chief Executive Officer at
        instead of a diagnosis. The   Crestwood. When I received
        truth is that none of us go   one of my promotions, he
        through life without ex-   came and talked with me
        periencing trauma. And, I   and he said, ‘You will get
        believe that we can be very   to a place where you don’t
        judgmental of people, often   know what direction to go
        coming to judgment with-   when you have a challenge.
        out really looking beneath,   All you need to do is to look
        and if we looked at every-  at our values and let them
        thing through the lens of   guide you.’ And it’s so true.”
        trauma, it would help us to   Learning to live with
        understand why people do   mental health issues is not
        the things they do.”       easy, but if given the right
           Crestwood is also proud   tools and treatment, re-
        to offer and has been      covery is possible. I asked
        recognized by SAMHSA for   Pamela what she would like
        their beautiful, homelike   our readers to know about
        and therapeutic environ-   Crestwood and their clients.
        ments for their clients which   “There are so many miscon-
        includes soft, soothing paint   ceptions about people who
        colors and art work, seren-  suffer from mental health
        ity rooms, comfort rooms,   issues. We feel totally priv-
        welcoming rooms, dining    ileged to be able to serve
        rooms, libraries, gyms, living   them They are some of the
        rooms and sitting rooms    most special, wonderful and
        which feature television   resilient people. The folks
        screens that show virtual   that we serve have a diagno-
        fish tanks for creating a   sis just like a cardiac condi-
        relaxing environment.      tion or diabetes. They didn’t
           Pamela has been an      ask for it. It’s a diagnosis and
        integral part of Crestwood   they deserve compassion,
        for the past 24 years. She   love and care just like the
        started her career with    rest of us.”
        Crestwood as a nurse and      For more information on
        was promoted throughout    Crestwood visit their site at:
        the years. “It is an organiza-  https://crestwoodbehavior-
        tion that I am very proud of.

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