Page 13 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 13

San Diego Woman Top Dentist

                     Dr. Lilia Larin, DDS

                                     By Judith A. Habert
                                  Photos Courtesy of Dr.Lilia Larin

           Dr. Lilia Larin was born in   Dr. Larin studied dentistry   of bringing Latino professionals
        Monclova Mexico, a small town   in Mexico and after she grad-  together was accomplished with
        known for its huge steel factory.   uated in 1982, she came across   the founding of the San Diego
        Her dad returned to Mexico   the border to start the process   Hispanic Dental Association
        after graduating as an architect   of revalidating her license   Chapter. When she started her
        from Cornell University in New   in the US. After passing her   career less than 1% of dental
        York. His career took off and   written exams, the next hurdle   students were Latin. Today there
        he became the City Planner in   was finding a dentist willing to   are still less than 3% Latino
        Monclova. It was there that he   train her for the two hands-on   dentists. This is remarkably low
        met his future wife and they   clinical exams required for   considering a population of 40%   “Through advocacy I have
        married soon and started a   licensure. While preparing for   Latinos in the state. One statistic   been able to educate the public
        family.                    these exams Dr. Larin met and   that has dramatically improved   and lawmakers on a variety of
           Dr. Larin’s dad felt that   married her husband Aurelio   is the number of women dentists  issues that affect my profession
        he wanted his family raised in   Peralta and had two children   practicing today as compared to   and oral health in general. I
        the US, so when Dr. Larin was   while working full-time as a   when I graduated. They project   have served as a member of the
        three her family left Mexico to   Registered Dental Assistant.   that in 2025 women will repre-  California Dental Association’s
        join her uncle that lived in San   In 1989 Dr. Larin finished   sent 50% of all dentist working   Cal-DPAC Council and Gov-
        Diego. Although her dad was   her exams and received her   in the field.          ernment Affairs Committee. I
        pursuing the American dream,   Dental License from the State of   In 2003, Dr. Larin was   advocate as a political Action
        her mom missed her home and   California.              nominated and became presi-  Team Leader for the American
        the culture that she felt was a   “As a new dentist I saw a   dent of the San Diego Associ-  Dental Association.”
        better way of life for her chil-  huge need for Latino dentists.   ation of Women Dentists. In   In 2018 Dr. Larin became
        dren. When Dr. Larin turned   Many people have a fear of go-  2007 she assumed the position   a member of the Dental Board
        11 her family moved to Tijuana,  ing to the dentist, but if you add   as president of the San Diego   of California appointed by Cali-
        feeling her children would learn  in the fact that you can’t under-  Academy of General Dentists.   fornia Governor Gerald Brown.
        the same values, culture, and   stand what they are saying to   Dr. Larin strongly adheres   The Dental Board regulates the
        traditions that she gained while   you, because you are not fluent   to their mission dedicated to   profession of Dentistry in the
        growing up in Mexico.      in English, the fear becomes   “Life-long learning”.   state.
           “It was actually great hav-  much greater. There was also a   She continued in her lead-  I had to ask Dr. Larin when
        ing the experience of growing   huge need for female dentists,   ership role and was installed   she finds time to sleep. Her
        up in two different countries.   as at that time there were only a   as the first Latina president of   response was that she feels the
        Aside from the fact that I   handful.                  the American Association of   need to help her community
        became fully bilingual. I gained   With so few women den-  Women Dentists in 2008.   and to further her profession
        insight into two different cul-  tists in the field it was a little   In 2012, Dr. Larin was in-  and she is extremely dedicated
        tures and it gave me a compre-  difficult finding a practicing   stalled as the national president   to achieving both of these goals.
        hensive knowledge of both.”  dentist that was open mind-  of the Hispanic Dental Associ-  She even takes it a step further
           When it came time for   ed about employing a young   ation (HDA). As national pres-  and has also worked for similar
        Dr. Larin to decide what she   female dentist.         ident she led the HDA during   goals outside of dentistry. Dr.
        wanted to do with her life, she   In 1993 Dr. Larin opened   its historic first “Multicultural   Larin has served on the board
        contemplated medical school,   her own all female dental office   Oral Health Summit” which   of “MANA de San Diego,” a
        but felt it wasn’t quite the   in San Diego. The first of its   united the African American,   national young Latina mento-
        right fit. She enjoyed cooking,   kind in San Diego.   The American Indian, and the   ring program and “Damas de
        sewing, and playing the piano   Sensing the need Dr. Larin   HDA for a joint leadership and   San Diego” an international
        and after doing some research   wanted to find a way to connect   educational conference in Boca   humanitarian foundation.
        thought dentistry might be the   with other Latino dentists. “I   Raton Florida. That same year   Proving her strong desire
        right choice since she would   have always been about con-  she received the Colgate Pal-  to always continue learning,
        be able to continue using her   necting people and helping to   molive Award for Leadership.  Dr. Larin is a graduate of the
        hands and at the same time   support my profession.” When   Since 2015, Dr. Larin has   Harvard Business School of San
        help people. Her Mom suggest-  Dr. Larin takes on a mission she  been a member of the San   Diego for Non-Profit Leader-
        ed she shadow a friend of hers   does it wholeheartedly.  Diego County Dental Society’s   ship Development. In 2013 she
        that was a dentist. It took only   “My history of leadership   Board of Directors where she   was a finalist for the San Diego’s
        a few moments for Dr. Larin to   and community service began   chaired the Continuing Educa-  Magazine Latinos Making a
        realize that this was her calling.  in 1999 when a longtime goal   tion Committee.  Difference Award.

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