Page 20 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 20

Women of Distinction

         Living Heart Peru                                                           her purpose in life was, like so many

                                                                                     of us, she pondered this age-old
                                                                                     question. “I didn't really understand

        CHANGING MINDS & LIVES                                                       purpose anymore, but I did start to
                                                                                     realize that the more I kept thinking
                                                                                     about myself, the further I fell into
                                                 Photos Courtesy of Beatrice Pitocco  this depression. So, what I realized
                                                                                     was that I needed to stop thinking
                                                                                     about myself. I was almost angry
                         When you meet a woman with   doing really, really, well but I was   with myself for being this self-indul-
                     a passion and a mission it is truly   miserable.”               gent. I started to do some research
                     humbling. Beatrice Pitocco is one   What Beatrice quickly learned   to find charities that would give me
                     of these women. Born and raised in   was that her original theory did not   a purpose. I looked at tons of local
                     Toronto, Canada, Beatrice caught   pan out. “I just made these assump-  charities but found that there were
                     the travel bug early on and had a   tions, which I think is a part of   so many hoops that you had to jump
                     driving desire to see the world. “I   youth, believing that if I had money,   through, and I needed to find this
                     was always an inquisitive kid; some   I would have freedom. And I did, but  purpose immediately.”
                     might say a little weird. I wasn't the   I didn't because, once you have it,   As her search continued Beatrice
                     typical kid who had a ton of friends   you have to maintain it and you have  found this non-government funded
                     in school. I was kind of set apart   to manage it. And so, this freedom   organization in Peru called “Living
                                                                                     Heart Peru,” “I just picked up the
                                                                                     phone and called them and I said, I
                                                                                     want to help, can I? And they were
                                                                                     like, yeah, you can help for sure, and
                                                                                     that's where it started.”
                                                                                        Beatrice jumped on a plane
                                                                                     headed to Peru. She connected
                                                                                     with another business based out of
                                                                                     the States, and she orchestrated a
                                                                                     donation of over 500 rain boots to
                                                                                     the kids in Peru. After her trip to
                                                                                     Peru she decided that she wanted to
                                                                                     do more.
                                                                                        Beatrice pitched a couple of
                                                                                     newspaper news outlets, and ended
                                                                                     up on two different news channels,
                                                                                     one in Montreal, and one in Winni-
                                                                                     peg talking about the charity. “I came
                                                                                     up with this concept for a website.
                                                                                     The website in and of itself is obvi-
                     and just didn't really interact much   that you think you're going to have, it  ously where we sell products, but it's
                     with people. I loved the fantasy land  doesn't really exist.”   the story behind it that is really the
                     I lived in my head and as soon as I   The company that Beatrice had   key. The goal was to basically try to
                     was old enough, I started living out   been working for was being taken   create a way to eradicate the mindset
                     the fantasies traveling the world.”  over. A lot of people were either   of poverty. Because when you are
                         As an adult Beatrice ventured   quitting or being fired. “At this point   born into, a poor place, like these
                     into corporate sales and then be-  in my life I felt as if I was having   children are in Peru, poverty is the
                     came a real estate mortgage broker   some sort of breakdown. I just didn't   mindset, they hold the belief that this
                     for many years. “I always assumed   know who I was anymore. I didn't   is their life, and this is all it's going to
                     that if I made a lot of money, I   know what I was doing. I had built   be because that's what their parents'
                     would be happy. if I owned this   up this wealth, not massive wealth,   life was. So, it just goes on and on,
                     much, I'd be happy. And interest-  but having come from pretty humble  and poverty will never change unless
                     ingly enough, I did it, I was able   beginnings it was a lot. I was literally   the mindset changes.”
                     to achieve all these really incred-  completely lost and falling into a bit   Beatrice had a unique approach.
                     ible milestones in my life, buying   of a depression.”          She asked these children to help
                     properties, having a little real estate   It took a lot of soul searching   themselves out of this mindset. The
                     portfolio, and I was financially   for Beatrice. She didn’t know what   first step was to have the children

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