Page 23 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 23

Women of Distinction

        would say, well, you have breast cancer, this   looking at a patient’s DNA. If we understand   done. All that is required is a swab of the inside
        is what your lifestyle is like, and these are the   that, then we can help their doctor choose   of your cheek and answering some pertinent
        changes in your DNA because of your cancer.   the right medication the first time, so they   questions. The sample is then sent to the lab
        So how can we treat your cancer specifically?”   are not coming out of surgery hoping their   where they can examine your DNA and they
           Ashley explained to me that we all have   medication works, they will have a much   provide you with a score which will help deter-
        different changes in our DNA, some are   better chance that it will work.”  mine the best way you should be treated for
        harmful, most are not, but changes in DNA   This is an extremely important matter   pain. It also helps patients who require opioids
        influence everything from how we feel pain,   when you see the current opioid addiction   obtain them if this is the only medication that
        to how we react to medication. We inherit   numbers in our country. It is a difficult topic   will truly help relieve their pain.”
        half of our genes from our mother and half   because many people take opioids, and they   Some insurances are now covering this
        from our father, and along the way we also   don't become addicted. So why is it then that   test, so check with your insurer beforehand.
        inherit mutations. Ashley added, “Sun, for   others become addicted?     However, when you consider what this test
        instance, can cause changes in your DNA                                  can prevent, it is well worth the cost since the
        that can lead to skin cancer. So, in addition to                         knowledge obtained helps in decreasing the
        what we inherit, we are also faced with out-                             risk of side effects and decreasing the risk of
        side influences. Sometimes your body makes                               addiction in patients.
        mistakes in the process of making new cells.                                “Unfortunately, doctors are sometimes
        When that cell is being copied, it can make                              dismissive of pain. They think that the patient
        a mistake. Usually the body is really good at                            is exaggerating, but more times than not, this
        catching those mistakes and correcting them,                             is not the case. Patient advocacy groups have
        but sometimes it isn't caught. We see that a                             really helped in this regard. Our tests provide
        lot with cancer, but some of these inherited                             objective information. Pain is so hard to de-
        mutations are really important to know.”                                 scribe from one person to another; this test
           This is the focus of the company that                                 looks at your DNA and can give you and your
        Ashley now works with, Mycroft Bioanalytics.                             physician specific information on your pain
        “At Mycroft we focus on pain. We look at how                             sensitivity. This would let them know that
        your DNA and other parts of your life, relate                            you are somebody who might need a longer
        to the way you feel pain. We study ethnicity,                            course of pain medications. We're trying to
        gender, and even stress levels, to determine                             really get at the scientific basis of pain and
        how those factors influence the way in                                   there are some fantastic researchers doing
        which you feel pain, and how your pain can                               great scientific research in this field.”
        be treated, as well as knowing your risk of                                 Ashley is dedicated to helping those who
        substance use disorders prior to prescribing                             suffer with pain. It is her passion and her goal
        you a medication.”                                                       in life to do so. Ashley’s other passion in life
           What Ashley and her team have deter-                                  is her family. Ashley and her husband Scott
        mined is that the simple procedure they use                              have been married for over 6 1/2 years and
        in hospitals and emergency rooms of asking a                             they have two adorable little girls, a four-
        patient what their pain level is (between 1-10)                          year-old named Betty, and a one-and-a-half-
        isn’t sufficient to understand your pain. “Pain   What Ashley’s company does is they offer   year-old named Ada Grace. Scott works in the
        is the number one reason people see doctors.   a profile where they can look at an individu-  Tech field and is a great source of encourage-
        And it is the only condition that every single   al’s DNA and they also look at some factors   ment to Ashley. Her current position allows
        medical specialty treats. So, if a patient comes   that aren't genetic, like personal and family   her to work part of the time from home, so
        into an ER and says, ‘Hey, I'm in pain,’ the stan-  history of drug use, age, and mental health   she is there to experience her girls’ special
        dard of care would normally be to prescribe a   condition. They take all of that information   moments. This is a couple that is definitely
        pain pill and send the patient on their way. As   and combine it. With this information they   made for each other. “For a long time, we
        we have learned over time, individuals experi-  can then give the patient and their doctor   didn't have a TV, but we had a big white-
        ence pain differently. We all know somebody   a score that shows their risk of developing   board. During my first maternity leave Scott
        who stubs their toe and is rolling on the floor   opioid use disorder. This means that prior to   helped me in my quest to learn code and I
        in pain, which will keep them out of work for   having a doctor prescribe a medication, the   helped him learn about genomic science.”
        a week. On the other hand, we know there   patient has a better indication of whether   Ashley has come a long way from that
        are people who get kicked by a horse and will   or not they are a person at high risk for   little girl who wanted to go to Johns Hopkins,
        say ‘wow, that was really unpleasant’ and walk   addiction and they can then prescribe a   she is at the top of her field and well respect-
        around on a broken leg.”            medication that is not an opioid. This profile   ed for her work in genomics. There is certain-
           However, the pain is real to both types of   helps to ensure that the individual’s pain is   ly something to be said for knowing what
        individuals. We know that people feel pain   properly managed, while allowing physicians   you want out of life and not being afraid to
        differently and we also know that people   to do their job and care for their patients in   go out and get it. We applaud you, Ashley!
        respond to medication differently, some   the most appropriate manner.
        people will say, Advil ® works really well for   For those of us who want to protect our-  For more information go to:
        me, but Tylenol ® doesn't. The reason for this   selves from medications that may be harmful
        is because of how their body breaks down   or addictive ask your physician to order this
        that medication and then how their body   test through Mycroft Bioanalytics. “There is no
        responds to it. We understand this better by   pain or discomfort involved in having this test

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