Page 31 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 31
Women of Distinction
Sabrina Havard always had a love for the of 2016, and she remained in Texas to care for
legal profession, but wasn’t quite sure what her Mom who was starting to show signs of
area of the law would be a good fit for her. Alzheimer's. Her job and lifestyle were import-
Growing up in a small town gave her limited ant to her, but nothing was more important
options, but in her mind, she knew that one than her family.
day, she would find herself pursuing her Since we as women are the caretakers,
dream. “I grew up in a very small town in east both to our children and our parents as they
Texas called Zavalla. We had a graduating get older, we often have to put our lives on
class of only 22 students, which gives you hold to be there for our family. So, Sabrina
some idea of how small my town was. In moved back to Texas to care for her Mom and
those days, law was not considered a good get her Dad's affairs in order. Life was different
profession for a woman, but I knew from a for Sabrina, but this move gave her a chance
very young age that I would find a way to do to spend time with her Mom, something that
what I loved." was very important to her. Her Mom lost her
Sabrina got married young and doubted battle and passed away in November of 2018.
she would ever be able to achieve her dream. Sabrina is now working on building up her
In 1991 Sabrina ventured outside of Zavalla business once again. "Thankfully, today, we
to the larger town of Lufkin, Texas and finally can work remotely. I was able to work some
had her first opportunity to work in a law firm. while I cared for my Mom, and I am now focus-
“I was so excited that they gave me a chance, ing on building my business. Although I love
somebody finally gave me a chance. I started San Diego and miss it terribly, I have found
out as a receptionist and very shortly became that due to my ability to work online, I can
a legal secretary.” now reach people from all over the country.
Sabrina loved her job, but she and her With my background, I have been able to cre-
husband decided to make a move to Missouri ate a business working in various areas for law
since the economy in their hometown and enforcement. I am now doing legal transcrip-
surrounding areas had taken a downturn. Sabrina Havard tion work, as well as performing other duties."
Sabrina loved the idea of exploring new plac- Sabrina is confident that her business
es, so she was happy to make the move. L OVING LIFE will grow and hopes to return to San Diego
Sabrina’s previous experience landed her at some point in the near future. Through
a job at a small law firm in Branson, Missouri. “I Photo courtesy of Sabrina Havard her time working for law firms and the DOJ
knew I wanted to grow in my career, so I paid Sabrina learned a lot. "At my previous job,
attention, learned a lot, and did whatever we handled a lot of Federal law, insurance
was asked of me at the firm." Unfortunately, Sabrina obtained a job at another law defense, and construction litigation. I worked
my personal life wasn’t going as well, and my firm, but when an opportunity arose for very closely with the attorneys and learned
husband and I divorced in 2000.” Sabrina to work for the Department of Justice, so much in so many different areas, that I am
Now Sabrina decided to work as hard as she was ecstatic. "A position came open, at able to utilize in my own business. I have ex-
she could to focus on her career. It wasn't the US attorney's office, so I sent them my perience in so many different areas, including
long before a larger law firm took note of resume and I got called in for an interview. I conducting legal research, working on ap-
Sabrina's knowledge and abilities and she was on cloud nine. After going through all the peals, and in the area of intellectual property."
had her wished fulfilled of working at a background checks and security clearances, I asked Sabrina what her advice would be
larger firm. "So, I did get to go to work at the I was hired. I loved working with the U.S. for anyone who wanted to pursue a job in the
Springfield office. It was a satellite office of a Department of Justice and the United States legal profession. "I suppose the main thing
firm based out of Kansas City. I started there Attorney for the Southern District Attorney, I would tell them is to never stop learning.
as a legal secretary, but was doing a lot of Laura Duffy was amazing. I received an award Learning should be a lifelong objective. I
the paralegal duties, but that office did not from the US Attorney for exemplary perfor- would also say to never give up on your
have a paralegal position. They loved that I mance in a lengthy high profile, multi-de- dream. I believe anything is possible and mir-
came to them with extensive experience. In fendant jury trial. I was just so elated to have acles do happen. I was from this remote little
2003 they gave me the position of paralegal a position I loved so much. Every part of my town with a graduating class of just 22, and
case manager. I was the first paralegal in that job was exciting to me. I learned so much to I never thought I would make it to a career
Springfield office.” expand my legal knowledge” I loved, in a place I loved. I never thought I
Sabrina never stopped trying to improve Life was good for Sabrina, she was in a would work for the Department of Justice.
her skills and knowledge. She would always job she loved and in a town where she always When I was growing up being a woman in a
be studying to be the best she could be at her wanted to live. "Going to work every day was profession that is mainly controlled by men
position with the firm. Sabrina loved her job, just so much fun. Each day was different, and was a bit tough at times, but I never took no
especially the diversity of what she was doing. I continued to learn more and more and grow for an answer. Sure, life took precedence over
“There was something new to learn every day, in my position. Plus, I was working with a everything, with the illness and subsequent
so you just never got bored. I loved it.” great group of people." deaths of my parents, but nothing I learned
The year was 2006, when Sabrina decided Sabrina received a call from back home along the way was lost, and now I know I can
that it was a good time to live out her dream in Texas that would change the trajectory of be better at any business I pursue."
of moving to San Diego. “I had visited Cali- her life. Sabrina’s Dad was very sick, and the If you would like to contact Sabrina, you
fornia years back with my sister when I was prognosis was not good. So, she got on a can reach her at
younger. I fell in love with the beauty, the plane and returned home to be there for her or through LinkedIn at
weather, and the lifestyle." family. Sabrina’s Dad passed away in January na-havard-338a4020