Page 35 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 35
Del Mar Workout, Calavie Health Spa, Wanting to always make exercise people who make the effort to come
Fitness Club, YMCA in Oceanside and fun, Michele started doing Dance Par- to class, no matter what, because after
then was asked by KUSI fitness expert, ties for birthdays, special events, cor- class is over, life hurdles may still be
Cindy Whitmarsh to be a fitness mod- porate events etc. She teaches Dance there, but after endorphins have been
el for her sometimes on KUSI Good fitness, Zumba®, LaBlast® and has even released and your heart feels lighter, it
Morning San Diego. taught a few Disco Dance Parties. “I helps us look at things differently and
Michele has been a part of just put together a fun playlist, for the
about every new exercise fad that came group I’m teaching. I always ask if
into existence, but her favorite by far there are requests for a favorite song
was the birth of Zumba®. “While work- so I can put easy dance moves together
ing at the YMCA in 2007, my supervi- to make the party extra special. I bring
sor told me about a new fitness format my sound system and hope to make
called Zumba®. She said they would it a fun hour-long experience for ev-
send me to LA to get certified if I was eryone” I was asked each year to teach
interested in teaching it.” Zumba® is a a warmup for two popular 5K/10K
fitness program that combines Latin Runs in the Bay Area. It started out as
and International music with easy to a warmup, but I eventually turned it
follow dance moves. It’s an interval like into a warm up/dance-like party that
workout with alternating fast and slow was a fun ice breaker. I loved seeing
songs. It’s a fast hour, super fun and the families and kids of all ages, start
keeps people coming back for more! out quiet and shy and then light up
“There are people who never planned with smiles and confidence before the
on joining fitness classes or a gym run! It’s all about the playlist! I worked
until Zumba® came around. THAT is on finding the perfect songs to pump take a healthier approach as we face it.
exciting stuff! It’s a very special format up both adults and kids”. Michele’s These are my thoughts”
to teach, I love creating a playlist with dance parties kept her schedule full One of Michele’s fondest memo-
the Zumba® formula, world rhythms between her fitness classes, personal ries is when she was asked to teach a
and pure fun, to make it feel like a real training clients, and corporate fitness fitness circuit class and Zumba® to a
dance party! “ Michele loves it and schedules! Recovery Treatment Center. “Teaching
continues teaching Zumba® today. Michele not only loves what she these participants who were fighting
Years later Michele would end does but loves the people who become for their very lives was an experience
up back in the Bay Area and again her friends after taking her classes. I shall never forget. I was timing them
teaching a variety of fitness formats at “Taking group exercise classes is a for one minute during the circuit class,
Forma Gym in Walnut Creek, The Stu- great way to meet like-minded indi- alternating cardio and strength exer-
dio in Danville, and also changed her viduals. When everyone is working cises. I will never forget one woman’s
focus a bit providing circuit training at out together for similar goals, and face, as she was in a plank position,
the corporate level. She would run fit- seeing each other in class weekly, they fighting to hold it until I called time.
ness programs during employee lunch become extremely close and precious I explained that she could modify
hours. Many companies loved offering friendships are born. Some of my best on her knees but the determination,
this service to their staff which was a friends started out as my students” drive, and FIGHT she had on her face
win-win situation, because as employ- “Sometimes people come into a brought tears to my eyes. She held
ees expressed to me, they were always Zumba® class with a lot on their mind, that plank to the last second. She was
more productive and less lethargic a to-do list on replay in their head, truly a Rockstar!! It is probably one of
after an early afternoon workout. “I’ve some come in with the weight of the the greatest experiences of my fitness
brought stretch, bootcamp, Zumba® world on their shoulders. My job as an career.”
and circuit classes to the most amaz- instructor, I feel, is to help them forget When Michele’s husband retired,
ing companies and employees who for that one hour. When the music they moved back to San Diego 2 years
inspired me by their decision, mind- starts, there is magic that happens ago. Michele continues to work and
set and determination to be healthy immediately in the room. The motiva- is currently teaching Zumba® at Bay
in their work environment. “Triple tion, the camaraderie, the smiles and Club in Carmel Valley and Crunch in
AAA Headquarters, BPM Accounting, a no judgement zone make it a happy Carlsbad and is a fitness profession-
Heffernan Insurance, Pixar Studios to place to be! Studies have shown that al at Cal-a-Vie Health Spa a luxury
name a few of my Rockstar Corporate dancing can obviously help people wellness resort, currently teaching a
fitness clients/programs in the Bay lose weight and stay flexible, but I variety of fitness formats. “I love what
Area”. Michele feels that fitness should think more importantly, it reduces I do. I feel that is a very important
always have a place in the Corporate stress, increases our energy and makes thing to be able to say. I’ve met some
world. everyone’s soul feel joy. I am proud of amazing people in my fitness career,