Page 36 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
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                 made lifelong friends and experi-  USS Midway Deck in San Diego.   equally as important as Math and
                 enced wonderful opportunities that I   Michele has always had a giving   English classes!!”
                 will never forget.” Kirstie Alley asked   heart, and it has shown in her will-  With a special talent for making
                 Michele to come to her home a few   ingness to work with groups such as   exercising fun, Michele became a
                 times to dance with her and she was   the “Love a Child Missions Homeless   beloved instructor at every place she
                 also a dance instructor on her “Kirstie   Recovery Shelter,” She was deeply   has taught over the years. “I believe
                 Alleys Big Life” TV show. She also   touched being a part of such a great   that one size does not fit all, when it
                                                   effort to help those in need. “I taught   comes to finding what motivates each
                                                   dance to these sweet mommas and   of us to move. I have seen the Fitness
                                                   children. A very touching experience.   Industry change over all these years
                                                   Watching the smiles as they heard the   and there are many more exercise
                                                   music and lit up with joy and happi-  options for people to choose from to-
                                                   ness as we all moved to the sounds,   day. There IS something out there for
                                                   with very few material things, that did   everyone, it is just up to everyone to
                                                   not stop their joy.... their happiness at   find out what it is!! If we dread it, we
                                                   moving to music was something that   won’t do it consistently.” For Michele,
                                                   brought me to tears.”            it’s dance. “Nothing against treadmills,
                                                      With all of her years in the field   but if I’m on one, I constantly look at
                                                   of fitness she has also been able to   the clock! But if music is turned up
                                                   enjoy the wonders it does serving as   and I have space to move on a floor,
                                                   a Fitness Model on UFIT Ultra Lean   I don’t pay attention to time at all. In
                                                   DVD fitness videos with Exercise TV   fact, an hour feels like 10 minutes!”
                 taught Zumba® Dance to the 6 partic-  and KUSI Fitness expert Cindy Whit-  Michele believes that fitness should
                 ipants who were on Oprah Winfrey’s   marsh. Michele is currently on KUSI   not feel like a dread, it needs to be
                 “Best Life Weight Loss Challenge”   Good Morning San Diego on their   fun. “You need to enjoy it. That’s why
                 with Bob Greene.                  weekly fitness segments.         it works best to walk and move your
                     Now, after 35 years in the fitness   One of Michele’s favorite dance   body with friends. That way you hold
                 industry, her list of accomplishments   memories was working with local   each other accountable and you get to
                 is off the scale. Some of these in-  high schools. “In the Bay Area it was   socialize too!” Michele makes sure the
                 clude teaching Salsa and Zumba to   an honor being asked to help judge a   members who take her classes are not
                 the Young Presidents Organization   local High School Dance competition   just reaching their fitness goals but are
                 (YPO) at their special event, teaching   and while living in Southern Califor-  having fun along the way. THAT is
                 Zumba® for the American Heart As-  nia it was a highlight choreographing   the magic pill.
                 sociation “John Muir Go Red” annual   for some Vista High School Musicals!   To learn more about Michele
                 event for 4 years. She has also served   Working with such talented teenagers   or to schedule one of her signature
                                                   was a thrill for me. Watching them   Dance Parties at your next event,
           SOME TIPS TO GET YOU MOVING             work hard at their craft, characters   contact her at:
           FROM MICHELE LAROCQUE                   and choreography and bring it to life
                                                   on stage, made me feel so proud!”   Michele LaRocque
         •  Keep your body hydrated                Michele feels like teenagers get a bad
         •  Find a friend or family member to be your   rap. “I think that everyone just wants   •  ACE Certified Personal Trainer
           workout buddy. Hold each other accountable.   to be loved and feel loved. Everyone   •  Group Exercise
           It will make you show up no matter what!  has different stories, perhaps with   •  Corporate Wellness
         •  If you have a desk job, make it a habit to stand   different experiences in life. Teenagers   •  Zumba® Fitness
           while you are on the phone. Pacing is even   are like a bag of jellybeans. Every-
         •  For every hour you sit, stand for a minute.   one’s a different color, or flavor, but   Facebook
                                                   when they are up on stage together
           Stretch, squat, dance, just do something!  performing as a group, it’s a magical   condielarocque
         •  Run and play with your kids. Get your heart   experience to watch. I actually had   Instagram
           pumping and theirs too!                 one student say to me that Musical
         •  Take the dog for a brisk walk twice instead of   Theater saved his life. I believe it,   ness/
           once a day!
                                                   because there are many who feel out   LinkedIn
                                                   of place, people can be cruel, but with
                 as a fitness instructor for 6 years at   music and the freedom to perform   rocque
                 the Ex4Vets Fundraiser Bootcamp! A   and express, they have a place, they   Zumba®
                 wonderful fundraiser for our disabled   have a family. I am a huge advocate
                 and homeless Veterans held on the   for Arts in the schools. It’s a subject   michele-larocque/4351

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