Page 40 - FINAL San Diego Woman interactive
P. 40

Women of Distinction

                             anyone of the employees  positive impression, or   some people that stood   her so much insight into
                             that she oversees.    you can make a really bad  by my side and helped   the fact that although
                                “I’ve worked in many   impression, where they   me and some people   people may appear
                             different positions over   will never come back.   that turned their back.   different from one place
                             the years, but more   So never forgetting who   You realize that not ev-  to another, deep down
                             importantly is what I   you are, and where you   erybody will be there for   inside they were all pret-
                             learned along the way.  I   came from has always   support, but you have to   ty much the same.
                             have learned all aspects   been true to my core too.   perserver, regardless.”  Diana always believe
                             of being a courageous   You know, treat people   Diana started with   that not only every em-
                             communicator and have   with respect regardless   Home Depot as a part-  ployee, but also every
                             gained a lot of self-aware- of what they have. I had   time cashier and moved   customer, commands
                             ness.”                some difficult situations   up the ranks working   the utmost respect.  “It
                                Diana has had the                                              didn’t matter to me if
                             pleasure of working                                               they came in to buy a
                             with so many people,                                              box of screws or to rede-
           Born in Colombia,   with so many varied                                             sign their kitchen, I was
        Diana Kelly came to the   backgrounds, in many                                         going to assure that they
        United States with her   different levels of profes-                                   were all treated equally
        family when she was   sionalism. This has been                                         and all of the people
        12. Her family settled in   a wonderful aspect of her                                  that worked with me
        New York.  They moved   job, especially coming                                         knew that this was how
        from Queens to Brook-  from another country                                            we were going to treat
        lyn where Diana stayed   with a limited knowledge                                      our customers.”
        through high school.    of the world, she quickly                                         So, what was it that
        She then attended    obtained a great educa-                                           brought Diana to Home
        Marymount College in   tion. Helping those who                                         Depot?  Diana’s first job
        Manhattan where she   needed help along the                                       Photos Courtesy of Diana Kelly  out of college was work-
        majored in psychology.  way has given Diana a                                          ing at LaGuardia Airport
           Diana would spend   deep sense of purpose.                                          in Queens.  She was the
        the next 26 years working   Diana treated ev-                                          assistant to the station
        for Home Depot, moving  eryone with the same                                           manager.  “I loved my
        up the ranks to executive  respect whether they                                        position at the airport.
        positions in the orga-  were in entry-level                                            I worked in the shuttle
        nization. Perhaps not   positions or CEO of the   Diana Kelly                          area, so most of our cus-
        the normal route for a   company.  She loved                                           tomers were business-
        psychology major, but in  helping develop her                                          men and women taking
        everything Diana does in  employees and showing   RAISE THEM UP                        day trips to Washington
        life she reaches back to   them how much poten-                                        and Boston and other
        what she learned, espe-  tial they had and being    By Judith A. Habert                nearby locations. Some
        cially in what it means to  a part of the change in                                    days I would jump on
        be a great leader.  Diana   their lives. Diana shared   as I was growing up and   in a bunch of different   a plane and fly over to
        is probably one of the   a story that truly showed  through my transition   jobs. “In each position I   Washington or Boston,
        humblest women I have   me the character of this   coming to this country,   held, I knew there was a   have lunch and fly back.
        had the pleasure of inter- wonderful woman. “I was  and that's the one thing   deeper reason that I was   It was wonderful.”
        viewing.  She is grateful   speaking to an employ-  I'll never forget.”  given the job,  I learned   It was at this time
        for the wonderful career   ee who in the course of   Diana’s philosophy is   something important in   that Diana’s sister was
        she has had and has   our conversation said   so needed in corporate   each one.”      planning her wedding
        spent every one of the   ‘Well, I’m just a cashier.’  I   America, yet has often   Diana had many   and decided to take on
        days in her career with   looked at her and said.    been overlooked in lieu   moves throughout the   another part-time job to
        Home Depot helping to   ‘You’re not JUST a cashier.  of the bottom line.  What   country in her time with   help with the wedding
        lift up those around her.    You're one of the most   most companies don’t   Home Depot, so much   expenses.  She applied
        She has never been one   important people in the   realize is how much your   so that she was often   at Home Depot, and
        to flaunt her position   store, because you're   treatment of people   asked if she was in the   she convinced Diana to
        and has been down in   collecting the funds and   will be reflected in your   military.  She loved this   come along with her.
        the trenches with her   you're the last person this  bottom line.    aspect, as it allowed her   “My sister started to
        employees, never feeling  customer will see. So, you   “You know over the   to meet people from all   fill out an application
        that she is better than   can make a long-lasting   years, there have been   over the US and it gave   and I'm standing there,

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