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What do the experts say "IN A FEW DECADES SCIENTISTS HAVE
-James Oschman Ph.D.
By Toni Kraft Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis, 2000
How does Energy Healing work? What are the benefits of Healing What to Expect from a Healing Who can practice Healing Touch?
Many theoretical frameworks Touch? Touch Treatment Healing Touch courses are
on how energy medicine works • NON INVASIVE Healing Touch is a gentle, open to all nurses, massage thera-
exist in the literature of quantum Healing Touch is done biofield (energy field) therapy pists, body therapists, counsellors,
physics and holistic healing. without the use of invasive that often facilitates a deep psychotherapists, physicians, other
However, while the exact physics procedures such as injections, sense of calm and relaxation in allied health care professionals
mechanisms cannot be defini- inserting tubes, medication or the body-mind-spirit. as well as individuals who desire
tively described at this time, the surgery. The treatment is typically an in-depth understanding and
cumulative results of numerous • EFFECTIVE administered while the client practice of healing work using
related studies on energy medi- Research has shown that lies on a massage table with energy-based concepts and
cine and consciousness indicate Healing Touch facilitates the re- their clothes on. With your per- principles.
strong support that "something laxation response and enhances mission, the practitioner uses Janet Mentgen, the Founder of
is happening" and that recipients the healing process. his/her hands to assess your Healing Touch, believed that any-
respond positively to energy • NON TOXIC biofield and proceeds to clear one could learn how to facilitate
therapies such as Healing Touch. Medications can cause side and balance it as needed using healing in others. As she observed
Over the years, researchers effects and must be monitored. either off body touch (near thousands of students doing Heal-
have developed ways to measure Healing Touch restores balance body but no direct contact) or a ing Touch, she noticed that there
the energy field. Theoretically, and harmony to our natural bio- gentle (still) touch over various was no difference in the outcomes
by correcting any defects in the field without the use of pharma- areas of the body. of well-prepared non-nurses to
energy field, energy therapy ceuticals. On occasion, one may those of well-prepared nurses.
practices may facilitate healing • ECONOMICAL experience an acceleration of Janet believed that anyone
of the body, mind and spirit. Healing touch does not the healing process and his/her with a compassionate heart and
Energy therapies focus on require the use of equipment or symptoms may intensify for a a desire to be of service to others
removing energy congestion substances and can be done in brief time. When this happens, could become a practitioner of en-
that form in our energy fields any setting. An open heart, a set the recovery period of the ergy healing. All that was needed
(aura) and energy centres of hands and a willing spirit is all illness is usually reduced. was a commitment to learn and
(chakras). Once these imbalanc- that is needed. to grow.
es and disturbances are cleared,
the energy channels resume
their task of integrating the
body, mind and soul to restore
health and promote healing. It
may also help to prevent future
issues by restoring balance to
energy field disturbances, which
could later result in illness if left
To gain a deeper understand-
ing of the science supporting en-
ergy healing, please refer to the
many books, journal articles and
research findings written on this
subject. Scientific evidence does
exist that supports the premise
that energy healing is effective.
However, an experience is worth
a thousand words, so the receiv-
ing of a Healing Touch treatment
can do more to understand these
phenomena than all the writings
in the world.