Page 42 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 42

Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert



        Live comes with a wearable pouch, short   the outrageous cost. At only $19, this Milk   The Beard Struggle design's sleek
        and long band, power adapter with a 10-foot   Cleanser will become your favorite bestie   packaging and Viking-themed logo will
        cord, and a quick start guide to make the   gift and stocking stuffer. The key ingredients   appeal to all. Our recommendation for trying
        process simple and easy. All these aspects   include apricot kernel oil, aloe leaf juice, and   their products? A Beard Bundle! The Beard
        are what make Jazz Band our number one   grape seed oil.                 Struggle offers numerous bundles to fit your
        self-care device! Want to experience this   To apply, lather in moistened hands and   every grooming need. Our favorite is their
        magnificent pain relief and recovery tool   massage into dampened face and neck. If   Complete Kit. The Complete Kit offers a beard
        for yourself? Rest assured with their 60-Day   you suffer from oily skin like me, you may   mask, wash, day liquid tonic, night liquid
        Good Vibe Guarantee, which offers a full   shy away from traditional moisturizers, but   elixir, conditioner, and balm. You can choose
        refund if you are unhappy with the results.   with KOOPE, you don’t have to! Their “Light-  your desired scent for the set from scents
        Learn more about the Jazz Band and DNA   weight Moisturizer” provides the necessary   such as "Aesir's Triumph," which features to-
        Vibe products at   moisture without the heft that increases oil   bacco, whiskey, and cinnamon, or "Asgardian
                                            production. It provides sheer, long-lasting   Secret," which features sandalwood, vanilla,
        19. KOOPE                           hydration and reduces shine and sensitivity.   and bergamot. This is the perfect collection
        Looking for a way to maintain beautiful skin   This lightweight formula is PH Neutral and   to get started on proper beard hair care. Plus,
        without the harsh chemicals common in   fragrance-free. The key ingredients in this   when you purchase the set, you save on the
        today’s beauty products? Search no more!   product include Olive Glycerides, Prebiotics,   retail cost of the items.
        KOOPE is your answer.               and Niacinamide. To familiarize yourself   If you are looking to really impress or
           KOOPE is a company that keeps its   with the entire KOOPE collection, and create   simply stock up and save, the Apex Bundle is
        products clean with its European formulas   a skincare routine that truly benefits your   the best choice. This top-of-the-line system
        that eliminate over 1400 harmful ingredi-  body, visit With   includes everything you need to promote a
        ents which are banned in European skincare   rave reviews from People Magazine and   fuller, more natural-looking beard. It also helps
        products. Vegan and cruelty-free, the brand   Women’s Wear Daily, you’ll be glad you did!  reduce split ends and may even reduce hair
        seeks to provide innovative formulas for all                             loss. Best of all, it leaves your beard soft, sup-
        skin types in a cause-driven manner. In fact,   20. The Beard Struggle   ple, healthy, growing, and smelling great with
        $1 of every product sold goes to anti-sex   As wife to a bearded man, I can attest to   its luxurious cologne-grade fragrances. And
        trafficking initiatives.            the struggle one faces in maintaining their   it's all certified cruelty-free and paraben-free.
           Our favorite product is their very popu-  appearance. The Beard Struggle has devel-  Included in the Apex Bundle, along with
        lar Milk Cleanser. This product is a Soap-free,   oped products to make grooming a simple   every fabulous serum, wash, balm, butter, and
        pH-balanced ultra-creamy cleanser that   and relaxing endeavor.          conditioner, is a micro-needle derma roller,
        gently cleanses away makeup, dirt, and   With an emphasis on quality control and   Viking roller brush, Viking shield heat protect
        impurities while softening and nourishing   a goal to champion healthy masculine ide-  spray, heated beard brush and straightener,
        your skin. Fragrance-free and free from   als, this company has all the components for  and a travel bag to ensure you never leave
        common sensitizers, Milk Cleanser is ideal   a successful future. In fact, they have already   home without your Beard Struggle set!
        for dry, dehydrated, or mature skin. The   grown from a homemade micro-produc-  Select the Platinum sets for your upcom-
        ultra-rich texture makes you feel like you   tion business to a larger scale hand-made   ing holiday gifts and find yourself mesmer-
        are spending the day at the spa without   operation.                     ized by their upgraded packaging and an
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