Page 41 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 41

by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds


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                                            your go-to satchels for your entire active   Keep your valuables dry and sand free
                                            family. Another great perk to Wander &   with their accompanying “dry bag,” plus, you
        sized Hot Logic there is the Hot Logic Max   Perch is their Corporate Gifting program. If   will receive a towel that attaches to your
        XP for casseroles or catering dishes which   you would like to give a custom-branded   chair, so it won’t fall or fly away. This perfect
        are the perfect size for a large family to   Wander & Perch product to your office or   beach setup comes in a variety of colors
        chow down! To learn more about Hot   staff, they are more than happy to ac-  and will be the best investment you’ve ever
        Logic, visit          commodate this request. After all, when a   made. If you are looking to grab the chair on
                                            Wander Wet bag is received, it makes an   its own, you can choose from an even larger
        16. Wander & Perch                  impression and often an obsession. View   array of colors in a 9.4-pound design that is
        We are so excited to have stumbled upon   the entire collection now and send your   expertly engineered in rust-resistant alumi-
        Wander & Perch. Locally designed in   corporate inquiries on their website at   num. To learn more about this incredible
        Encinitas, CA, by a San Diego Mom, these   SUNFLOW Beach Bundle, or purchase the
        signature Wander Wet bags have become a                                  chair itself, visit
        STAPLE in our lives. Made in the USA, Wan-  17. SUNFLOW Beach Chairs
        der & Perch designs the perfect bags to   When you live in Southern California, every   18. Jazz Band
        carry your swimsuit or gym gear on the go.   day feels like Summer! With such great   DNA Vibe’s “Jazz Band Live” is sure to become
           As an Encinitas resident, Founder,   weather, we find ourselves along the coast   your favorite self-care companion. This
        Eileen was always on the beach or at hot   every chance we get, which often means   infrared and vibration tool helps reduce
        yoga but found herself bored by the utili-  lugging heavy beach chairs and accessories   stiffness, inflammation, and pain while
        tarian options for carrying her items from   along with us.              accelerating and improving body recovery.
        the beach or gym. After creating a proto-  Luckily, with our discovery of the SUN-  With a comfortable design that wraps gently
        type for her personal use, she was inun-  FLOW Beach Bundle, those coastal excur-  around your neck, you will wear it while
        dated with inquiries about her design and   sions have become an easy and delightful   working from home or relaxing on the couch.
        where she found the fashion-forward bag.   experience. SUNFLOW Beach Bundle Chairs   Not to mention, Jazz Band can also work
        After many requests from family, friends,   are unique as they weigh only 11 pounds,   around other parts of your body, including
        and even strangers, Eileen decided there   sit 9 inches above the sand, and have a   elbows, ankles, knees, back, hands, feet, and
        was a definite hole in the market, and Wan-  weight limit of 250 pounds. That means   more! Wherever you feel the pain, Jazz Band
        der & Perch Wander Wet bags were born.   everyone can carry and enjoy these chairs!  is there! The four modes available include
           These bags come in a variety of colors   Worried about those harsh rays with   red, infrared, magnetic, and micro-vibration,
        and prints, making them the perfect gift for   your frequent trips to the beach? SUNFLOW   which will be harmonious with your natural
        even the most discerning man or woman.   Beach Bundle Chairs include a UPF 50+   body processes. The Jazz Band Live can
        If you have important electronics or want   Sunshade that protects you from 98% of the   literally go anywhere with you as it offers
        to hide away your intimates, these bags are   Sun’s rays! If you feel so inclined, you can   a 10-foot cord for lounging, a car adapter
        also the ideal size for minimizing eyes on   also order yourself a refreshing beverage or   (sold separately) for those long drives, and
        your valuables.                     bring along your Stanley cup, as the SUN-  a cordless power pack (sold separately) that
           Whether you want to organize your   FLOW features an adjustable drink holder to   can be used on the go and charges your
        beach or diaper bag, these will become   fit almost any beverage size.   phone along with the product. The Jazz Band
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