Page 36 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 36

Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert                                                           by Jaime V. Habert




        1.  Mane Label Hair Co.                Their collection is based on intelligently
        Don’t you wish you could tie your hair   designed products that are as affordable
        atop your head, fall asleep, and wake up   as they are fashionable. A product we can’t   canopy mean you can relax when out in
        with luxurious waves? Well, guess what?   stop talking about is their Grace 5 in 1 Con-  the harsh sun. When it is time to go home,
        … This is no longer a dream! The Sway   vertible Crib. This beautiful piece is a safe   the ease of folding and lightweight design
        by Mane Label Hair Co. is the newest and   space for your baby to sleep, lounge, and   makes this compact stroller the perfect
        healthiest way to curl your hair without   grow. Modern and long-lasting, this crib   companion. To view all of Dream on Me’s
        all the hassle. The Sway is a heatless   effortlessly converts from a standard-size   products, go to
        curling ribbon designed to produce large   to a toddler bed, daybed, & full-size bed
        bouncing curls – the effortless beachy   (conversion kit sold separately). Keeping   3.  Kyte Baby
        way we love in San Diego! Heated prod-  the safety of your child in mind, the Grace   If you can find a product that puts your
        ucts could cause breakage and frizz, but   5-in-1 Convertible Crib is not only JPMA &   child to sleep with ease, you generally don’t
        these ribbons are gentle on hair and easy   Greenguard Gold certified, but also meets/  forget its name. Kyte Baby is one of those
        to wear. You can tie your hair around the   exceeds the ASTM & CPSC standards.   products. You may be thinking this is some
        ribbon and head to bed, or out for a coffee   Constructed out of sustainable New   sound device or mobile, but no, it is actually
        with the girls. The fashion forward design   Zealand Pinewood with a non-toxic finish,   a brand that makes the coziest pajamas and
        makes these the perfect accessory for   this must-have crib is sturdy &; durable. The   sleep bags on the market. Often, we search
        night or day. Plus, since there is no heat   thoughtfully designed Grace 5 in 1 Convert-  for enrichment to soothe our children to
        involved, even women with the most elab-  ible Crib is also easy to maintain – simply   sleep; however, Kyte Baby clothing makes
        orate hair extensions can use The Sway   spot or wipe clean. What’s more, this won-  your child feel so at home that they doze off
        without worry. When you order from Mane   derful crib comes in two graceful finishes –   before you’ve had a chance to admire their
        Label Hair Co. online, you will receive   Pebble Grey & White, that perfectly blend in,   fashionable new threads.
        The Sway ribbon, a hair clip, and 2 small   no matter the décor of your baby’s nursery.   Kyte Baby products use bamboo instead
        elastics all packed in a recyclable box. The   Plus, you can find this style readily available   of cotton. This bamboo fabric is not only ex-
        Sway is 63” long, made of plush bamboo   through Amazon and Walmart.     tremely comfortable and breathable, but it
        cotton velour and is best used on dry hair.   Another style we have to share is Dream on   is also sustainable. When scraps are left, the
        For more information, or to purchase   Me’s Vista Moonwalk Stroller. This stroller is   company utilizes these for bibs or donates
        your own, visit  the most luxurious lightweight stroller you   them to a local mop company for use in
                                            will find on the market. With a multi-po-  their products. Our favorite Kyte Baby item
        2.  Dream on Me                     sition recline and a full-size padded seat,   is their signature “Sleep Bag.” A “Sleep Bag”
        When you become a mom, you can’t help   this design is ideal for comforting your   is a wearable blanket that gives you peace
        but want the absolute best for your baby.   little one. The 5-point harness system, rear   of mind and can be worn throughout the
        Dream on Me is a company that agrees with   wheel brakes, and swivel front wheels make   night. Made of 97% Bamboo Rayon and 3%
        that notion. Dream on Me offers quality full-  for a smooth and safe ride. The extra-large   Spandex, this best-selling item is popular
        size cribs, portable cribs, mini cribs, strollers,   storage basket below provides you with the   for a reason! Between the beautiful prints
        bedside sleepers, toddler beds, mattresses,   necessary space for groceries, snacks, and   and the top-notch construction, these Sleep
        diaper bags, and even pet beds!     diaper bags. Plus, a cup holder and sun visor   Bags will be passed down to all the siblings
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